Medieval Blunt Weaponry – A Primer for Writers

You can keep your Excaliburs, your Brisingrs, your Glamdrings, and, yes, your lightsabers. I need a weapon that’s going to put some hair on my chest, allow me to converse with bears, send a wet streak down my foe’s leg, and, well, practically speaking, take out that knight in full plate and chain. Ladies and … Read more

What Writers Can Learn From Soaping

This article is by A.L.S. Vossler. Recently, I took up the hobby of soaping, which, as you might guess, is making soap. There are three ways of making soap: hand-milled, cold process, and hot process. Hand-milled, which is also known as melt-and-pour, basically involves taking a soap base which someone else has already prepared, and … Read more