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Rolling Archer Things?????

Okay. So, after having googled and browsed websites extensively to no avail, I must learn the answer to this burning question:

What are those rolling shields for archers things called? They were commonly used in Roman warfare. I have a delightful book on Roman siege engines, and it even has a picture illustrating the way a siege might take place. There are, in this picture, these shields on wheels with a slot for the archers to shoot through. And guess what--the book does not say what those darned things are!

Does anyone know what they are called???? Or could you recommend a resource that might have that info?

On the plus side, I did learn a lot about other siege engines that I had never heard of. And about twenty different variations of the catapult. And all other kinds of neat stuff.


El Camino?


(Rolling Archer Thing)


toujours gai, archie
Google has it right. My Cassel's says "pluteus" (masculine; the neuter form also exists, "pluteum") is a shelter. In Caesar and Livy it appears as meaning a moveable penthouse, shed, or mantlet, made of hurdles covered with hides to protect the besiegers of a town. Clearly not for archers in this case, or at least not specifically for them. The same sources use the same word to mean a breastwork or battlement on a tower.

FWIW, the word also was used in a non-military sense to mean the back of a bed or sofa and, interestingly, the board on which a corpse is laid out.

The Romans were shockingly indifferent to the distinctions that exist in modern English.

@Malik: bonus points! I laughed out loud. (there should be an abbreviation for that)


My Cassel's says "pluteus" (masculine; the neuter form also exists, "pluteum") is a shelter. In Caesar and Livy it appears as meaning a moveable penthouse, shed, or mantlet, made of hurdles covered with hides to protect the besiegers of a town.

So a giant mantlet would be a "pluteus maximus." Just sayin'.

I'll just show myself out.