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Architect_of_Aurah's Portfolio

2 min read
Snowstorm Large and massively strong polar bear, able to create intense cold with his breath and touch. His roar can literally shake walls and he has advanced resilience to damage. Costume is purple and indigo, with a head wrap concealing his face, heavy boots and spiny epaulettles on his...
1 min read
Beats Seth "Sandy" Fuchs is a fennec fox who outwardly works as a mechanic and musician. He has minor super-powers; faster reaction times, advanced ability to detect or process sounds and echo-location. In costume, a thick set of shades and fur paint about the face conceal his identity...
1 min read
Kay Pow is a red squirrel who has styled herself as an unofficial crime-fighter. By night, she dons her black gown and hood, blending in with the shadows or perching high above Havenburg, striking hard and fast at wrong-doers. The dark pink belt about her waist contains all sorts of devices...
2 min read
After all that dull and complex geography, a look at the principal city in which the action of my story takes place. Havenburg is one of the largest and proudest cities on Aurah. Straddling several islands at the mouth of the Hartman River, it is the SNV's largest seaport, as well as an...
North Viola is another land of contrasts. Coniferous forests line its north coast and stretch deep into the continent. High mountains bisect the continent north to south, creating great drainage basins on either side. Along the east coast broadleaf forests predominate, progressing to...
Whoops! Numbered these the wrong way round! South Viola is the second smallest of the continents of Aurah, but it is rich in natural wonders. The continent is dominated by the tropical forests of the Sofia Basin, although there are grassy plains, high mountain ranges and deserts along the...
Demeta, despite its relatively small size, is a highly diverse continent both in terms of geography and national identities. It is a bowl-shaped continent, curving southwards from Susland in the north-west and Skreeland in the north-east (both relatively cold and densely forested), down to...
1 min read
The smallest of the continents on Aurah, considered by some to be its largest island, Brama is a culturally rich tropical land. Triangular and located with its tip just south of the equator, it is mostly tropical rainforest and dry forest. The Mekhan mountains, containing the highest peaks in...
Inanna is the second-largest continent on Aurah. It straddles the equator and extends an equal distance both north and south of it. The far north-west, the north-east and the far south are warm temperate lands, where grapes, olives, citrus fruits and other crops grow in abundance. Head...
1 min read
The world of Aurah has five major continents, each separated from the other by a stretch of water. All the same, islands near to the various coasts have allowed many anthro nations to establish easy trade routes and link their respective continents through shipping lanes. It was even said that...
As with Earth, most of the surface of Aurah is covered by sea; roughly 63% of it. The largest of the oceans is the Northern Ocean, stretching across the permanently ice-clad North Pole, past sub-polar islands such as the Nordland archipelago, down to the mainly ice-free boreal coasts of the...
2 min read
This is my first portfolio entry and is by way of introduction to the world I am attempting to create. There are parodies interwoven into the concept, so don't be surprised if you read something familiar. In another part of the multiverse lies the planet Aurah. Here lies a world like ours...

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