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The Dark Muse - Journal

I'm in a bad state, and it's interfering with my writing, and other creative puruits. Did you ever feel like cutting out the broken bits of your brain and see what can be stitched back afterwards? It's gotta be less hellish than what I am experiencing now. Each time I sink this low I find...
So far a lot of what I've had planned for 2020 has gone to hell in a handbasket, yet strangely I'm still achieving some of my goals. I've spent a lot of time trudging through my files, in an attempt to get organised. And I haven't even looked at the paper files ... well at least not for long. My...
Long before I found this wonderful community I found myself stumbling on my path to recovery - but it took a long time for me to identify the stumbling block. Even after I identified the stumbling block I still kept back sliding and losing my way - even though it didn't appear that way to others...
The StoryWeaver
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Journal Entries
3 months after it crashed I have my PC back - with all files intact. I'm a prolific creator (and not just with writing) plus I'd been slack with backing up my work, so there was a lot of material that I could have lost. Now I'm merging the files from the laptop that I've been using, with the...
I was injured at the end of 2016 and sometime after that had my second break-down. It's no exaggeration to say that I barely made it through 2017 in one piece and often the only way I made it through a day was second by second. Right at the end of 2016 I thought I'd do the world a favour and...
The StoryWeaver
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Journal Entries
I’m Sorry... she says and she says it often but did you ever wonder why? 'cause somewhere along the way someone (everyone) told her that her very existence demanded an apology 'cause somewhere along the way someone (everyone) told her that she could never just be without offering up that...
The StoryWeaver
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I found this lovely community when researching some info for a client (for the book that I was editing). I've finally handed in all of my suggested edits; it took longer than I would have liked, for a number of reasons. I've been editing other people's work for years; resumes, comic scripts...
The StoryWeaver
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This is a subject I'll be returning to in great length but for today I'll keep it brief. I've been struggling more so than usual. It's not just the stress of adding new projects to my plate. It's all the positive steps that I've been taking to tick more goals off my bucket list and follow more...
The StoryWeaver
1 min read
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Journal Entries
Since finding this website today I've really thrown myself into things. I've joined communities in the past and then never got involved, or have been sporadic, at best, with my involvement. But it's the opposite here; at least thus far. I'm very active on social media but not in too many...

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The StoryWeaver
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