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1-2 paragraph shorts

The Flood

It was early dawn when a crack of thunder rent the air and rain poured from the sky. It rained for hours and then days and then weeks. It rained so hard and so long that the rivers and lakes flooded from their banks and into the nearby cities. Including the streets of an long abandoned city. As the days passed, the lightning and thunder grew more frequent. And the water rose ever higher, people fled their homes. In the abandoned city, nobody had bothered to visit it in decades and weren't about to do so now. So the water rose ever higher. In the shadows of one of the crumbling buildings, a shadow moved cat-like, hissing in annoyance at the ever falling rain. Longing for it to stop, the shadow waded through the water to find a more sheltered spot in the old crumbling stones, some of which trembled and fell into the water with a faint splash as it crept by. Three days later the rain stopped, all the land for miles around was flooded in several feet of water. In the crumbling building there was no sign that anything had ever been there. Even the fallen stones had been put back in their place.

The Blizzard in the Pass

A blizzard started in a narrow pass in a high mountain range. In the pass, a peculiar shape could be made out that that had a faint red glow, wandering through the blizzard. No sound could be heard around the figure not even the howling winds, there was only the strange void of sound. The shape had little visible form but it was be able to walk upright, even though the wind was blowing hard enough to flatten trees. Later when the blizzard passed, a long winding trail could be seen cutting through the snow drifts, seeming to appear out of nowhere. Then the trail ended suddenly as if the thing that made it had simply vanished, but the strangest thing about the trail was that it looked like it had been burned away by a blazing fire. No one ever discovered who or what made the trail, but nothing ever grew back on the trail and those who go to that narrow pass after a blizzard, there won't be any snow in that path, not even the smallest snowflake.

Footsteps in the Night

The footprints led to a locked door in the basement. The police asked for the key but nobody had it. The owners of the house demanded that the police get into the basement in any possible way they could. So the police shouted through the door threatening to break it down if it wasn't opened in ten seconds. There was no reply so they started the countdown. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Silence and the door remained shut. They prepared to ram the door. And it creaked open. The police walked in…. and there was nobody by the door. They looked around the room but it was completely empty. They went back to where they last saw the footprints but they weren't there anymore. The more time the police spent trying to solve the case, the more impossible it seemed. In the end the police gave it up as a hoax and stopped working on the case. But on a quiet nights you can hear footsteps in the basement and see doors creaking open with nobody there to open them. In the morning there were footprints trailing around the house.

Midsummer's Eve

It was the night of Midsummer’s Eve, when the night-mares and the ghosts and all the other creatures of the night began to prowl.
When the wind began to moan as it swept through the starless night. The branches of the trees began to clack against each other in the wind in such a way that is sounded as if they were cackling and chittering among themselves like the bats that flew through the air. Then as midnight approached the moans of the wind became the sound of a voice wailing in the distance. Repeating the same terrible words over and over. In the darkest corners and shadows, the creatures of the night themselves, they who reigned over the terror of the night, trembled with fear. On and on the wind wailed and moaned till the dawn broke over the skies then the voice in the wind gave a final piercing wail and fell silent. The wind never spoke again but since that night all those who had heard it trembled every time the wind began to moan.

The Jello Witch

(This is my rendition of a story that my dad used to tell me and my siblings at night.)

There were once two children who lived with their mother at the edge of the woods. Every day their mother would tell them that they must never take even the smallest step off of the path or else the Jello Witch would come and take them away and they would never be seen again. The children would promise and then be on their way. One day, on their way to school as they were walking down the path where it was closest to the woods, they saw two bowls of bright green jello on the edge of the path. The children looked around but there was no sign of the person who had put out the jello, so they ran over to the jello and ate it. There was no sense in letting it go to waste and to them it was the most delicious thing that they had ever tasted. After they had eaten, they went to school and thought nothing of it.

The next day there were two more bowls of green jello, and the same thing happened the day after that and the day after that till two weeks had passed. After two weeks had passed the children ran to the spot where they normally found the green jello but it wasn’t there, instead there were two bowls of red jello just a few steps of off the path. The children stopped for a moment, then thinking to themselves 'Oh the Jello Witch is just a story to keep us out of the woods it’s okay'. They ran over, grabbed the jello and ate it. The red jello was even better than the green jello, so the children continued to eat the jello and as before, nothing bad happened. This went on for some time, every two weeks the color of the jello would change and the jello would be a few steps farther out towards the woods but each was even better than the last.

The jello had been green, red, blue, purple, orange, pink, yellow and even teal. The two children couldn’t wait to find out what color the jello would be next. Seeing as each color had always tasted even better than the last. Now as the weeks had passed by the bowls of jello had entered the woods, and gone quite far in, and now the children didn’t even hesitate when they ran into the woods to find the jello. They went deeper and deeper until they found it. There were two big bowls of rainbow colored jello sitting next to each other in a small clearing in the trees. The children ran to eat and ate it all, right down to the last crumb for it was even better than all the other Jellos combined.

As they finished and were getting up to leave, the children heard a horrible laugh from the shadows of the trees, they clung to each other, trembling with terror. The Jello Witch didn’t keep them waiting for long. She slid through the trees towards the children. The Witch was dressed completely in black and carried a long glittering white wand. When she stopped in front of them, the children cowered. The Witch chuckled darkly to herself then with a wave of her wand she turned the children into piles of green jello. Then she put two bowls out on the path for the next children that should come walking by.
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Hir i-Chorvath
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6 min read
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