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Orc or Ork?


Don't call them orc or ork call them something else. I'm sorry, I'm just tired of seeing that name come up so much. If you do call them one of those names, be sure to give them originality.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
I vote for Orc, because I have never played the game or seen it spelled Ork EVER actually. That being said, I love the idea of using another name entirely. Orc suggests a couple different possible things; there's Tolkein's orcs which are monsters, and D&D orcs that are just big brutish humanoids capable of working with and living with humans.
Maybe you should consider what your orcs are, and from there find the word that fits best. If they're a reasonably intelligent race, you might consider giving them a more refined name like the Skyrim example. It they're little more than raiders, brawlers and opportunistic monsters, a simple, one-syllable word should do just fine. In that case, I might choose orque, which makes me smile.
If I do decide to just use an already defined word, I will go with orc. If not, I'll just have to think of something else but as for now I will jsut call them Orcs. Thanks for the help and the laughs in this thread!