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Here, I'll share one of mine:
Wait...what if you put sulfuric acid IN a brick? Then it would be perfect for battle!
Break the brick on a wall, and acid sprays down on a bunch of people! The people will just think you're throwing a brick at them, so they'll duck...then acid falls on their head! Boom! Acid Brick Bomb!
Ingredients needed: Sulfuric Acid, Drill, Brick, Superglue
Does anyone else have any cool and very WEIRD ideas?
Gun Plunger:
It is a plunger, but when you spin it around, it summons a magical infinite ammo machine gun that you can use as a jetpack!
It can also be used to blow up your toilet!
You can also use it to make a toilet monster that shoots out machineguns.
Kung-Fu Laser Fingers:
A spell that turns your fingers into laser guns- it also comes in enchanted thimble form, but it is very expensive. A favored weapon of wizards everywhere.
In order to use Kung-Fu Laser Fingers, you need to know Kung-Fu, then you can use Kung Fu to cast it.
There is also a Cheesy Laser Fingers, which is similar but you have to be cheesy, and know no other spells beforehand- you also need to steal cheese from Ban the Duke of Limbuger OR you must be made out of cheese. Never transmute someone into cheese, very bad idea, unless you want them to have cool magic powers.
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Touch thingy-absorbing spell
To cast the spell you need at least one brain, you need to be able to think. You also need a rock (don't ask me why)
Cast the spell on yourself or anyone else, when you touch something you absorb it's powers/smarts (if it doesn't powers or you don't want the powers)
It lasts for however long as you can go without passing out. You can absorb someones cheesy body so you can use the Kung-Fu Laser Fingers :D
Santa Armor:
Red, with white fur trim, allows you to manipulate your own fat, and also rapidly enhances beard growth (full beard within a day, even for a 2 year old girl with allapecha). Also exempts you from breaking and entering laws.
If you wear it inside out or backwards, it becomes Satan Armor, which makes a demon appear and try to eat you. Don't go near Leshies, or they'll try to make you wear it backwards and inside out.


Unicorn pie- Need: Ice cream in an ice cream cone
Put the icecream in the cone and put it on your forehead. Then shout out:
and proceed to attempt to be a unicorn (it may or may not work idk I've never tried it)
Unicorn pie- Need: Ice cream in an ice cream cone
Put the icecream in the cone and put it on your forehead. Then shout out:
and proceed to attempt to be a unicorn (it may or may not work idk I've never tried it)
It will actually only succeed in turning you into ice cream- which is way cooler, anyway. Oopsies, I offended the unicorns, they're going to kill me now. Poor me- wait, I'm wearing my Armor Of Immortality.
Underwear Of Bravery:
If you wear it on your head, you get super-strength. If you wear it over your pants, you can fly. If you wear it over your underwear, you become a god, but only if you're either dumb, drunk, or a cat or dog.


Rudolph-Need: A big red clown nose, antlers (can be fake or real and the size doesn't matter they'll grow) and hair (can be yours or not)
If you have all of these with you and you hear someone go "HO HO HOOO" and they have the Santa Armor on you'll turn into a reindeer and proceed to stomp on peoples roofs.
Pro: You're a reindeer, you can fly, you're with santa
con: You'll smell like a reindeer and it lasts 12 hours.
Clean-Shaven Curse:
It is used only by the foulest of wizards, and it makes your beard fall out (it can regrow, fortunately)
Dwarves are only partially effected by it- they still retain the minimum beard for a dwarf.


Nose Ring of Doom: Your sneezes create a sound wave capable of cracking stone in a cone in front of you. Earplugs recommended.

Earplugs of Empathy: You can hear no sound, but you hear the inner thoughts of all in a 12ft radius around you.

Dagger of Dimensional Drift: Simple enough, this dagger throws you into a slightly altered dimension from the one you find yourself in. Successive travels take you into ever-stranger realms. Trick: You have to stab the dagger into yourself. Con: Stab it into another entity, and entity and dagger both disappear.

Smartphone of Fauxness: This looks like a smartphone, but is in fact just a piece of rock formed by millions of years of geological pressures. Handy thing to throw or use as a doorstopper.

Sentient Spaghetti: Sold by the can by the Wizards of Glnognarfeim, give this to your enemies and watch in wonder as their meal strangles them.

Hopperchick: A small, grasshopper-like being from the planet Teryona VII which sings any one of the infinite songs in infinite dimensions every time it rasps its wings against its torso. Beware: Walk into a swarm of hopperchicks at the risk of your sanity.

Koeipard: Head of a hippopotamus, body of a giraffe. That's it.

Votilion: Seems perfectly human, but has mind rays that make people give it power over their lives. The greater the crowds the votilion gathers, the more devastating its effect.

Usquebaugh Fae: A fairy that steals whiskey. Their schemes become ever more complex, and some even say that they have made some major corporate acquisitions of prominent breweries. Always drunk, don't trust them with your drones, cats, liquor cabinets, or credit cards.


Multifunctional Clip Earings:
(Thing to maybe use in a spy story or something.)
These earrings look ordinary and not out of place. However they can be used for many different purposes, such as, as a tracking or listening device, but maybe also as a small bomb (idk if that would work lmao) and depending if there is magic or not even for something else too ~...
You can wear them inconspicuously, hide them behind hair or hats or other things easily. AND you can take them off and drop them anywhere with just one small movement and if anybody finds them just say you lost your earring. UvU


Murder Loaf: A loaf of bread that has been possessed by a demon, it is now running around and eating people. Only way to control or even just stop it is to find original package from which flour for its dough came.
The Five Maroon Rings:
These rings will grant you great power, but will cause ego to envelope you as you lose all of the power and turn into a mindless drone under the Maroon Host. It is possible to stop or remove the rings through relying more on the skills of your friends.


Otrotraxian Geophage: On the planet of Otrotrax there lives a species of worm-like things. They have a single limb, a rotor-like appendage jutting from their forehead. This they spin up, and when under velocity, they take to the sky. Otrotrax, having low gravity, has many rocks floating through the air. The geophages latch onto these, breaking down the rock with their acidic spit until they chance upon an hrooloob egg. The hrooloobs have thousand-year incubation cycles, and while the eggs are in the rock, they have no biological defenses.
Stone Of Co'Phee:
Long ago, the Winter Warlock was waged in a war- he couldn't just keep letting his soldiers die, over and over again, so he instead decided to trek across his domain in search of a pyromancer. He found one, and struck a deal...in return for something to help keep his soldiers warm and energized, the pyromancer demanded that she is compensated with 1,000 pounds of gold. He agreed to her terms, and in return was granted this very stone.
It took the form of a small, brown bean, and when he cooked it in the pyromancer's flames, it multiplied. These duplicates were then cooked and put in water, becoming...coffee.
Methane Blaster:
A large gun with a see through ball. Inside that see-through ball is a tiny cow, and the cow spins the ball like a hamster wheel, which powers the blaster. The Methane Blaster shoots out Methane, and can be used to attack your enemies.
Ogre Chair
What looks to be an ordinary chair, is in fact an Ogre Chair. It was forged by Santa Claus a long time ago for a warrior known as Chokon the Wanderer, one of the three adventurers that made the first journey to Malaskar (Grandmoss Van Willmont, Chokon The Wanderer, and Bob).
When spun in a semicircle on the ground, it will summon a large ogre to fight for you. It can be used many times to create an army of ogres. Oddly enough for a conjuring device, the effects are not temporal. The ogres will remain fighting with you until they die.