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Staff Of Spelling Mistakes:
This staff has the ability to spell things the wrong way, causing them to transmute (makes use of homophones).
Turning a giant flower monster into a flour monster (made from hardened white powder)
Can make a singular person (one) win a game(won)
Can combine a pair of things into a pear
Can turn an aeroplane into a vast plain floating in the sky...it may crush the land, or remain floating
Can cause someone with dyed hair to die
Can turn someone's son into the sun (warning: very dangerous)
If you say the word whether, it will change the weather
It can also affect similar words, not just homophones, e.g. turning murder into [Moaning] Myrtle, or turning frolicking into hydraulic-ing.
In addition, you can turn the staff into a supermarket employee who will sell you things, a custodial staff to clean things up, a staff member of a place you need to get into (to help you get in) or a musical staff, and turning you into notes (warning: potentially fatal)
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Dragons have tiny pyromancers living in their stomachs that shoot fire. This is where their fire breath comes from.


Didgeridoo of Plenty: By blowing certain timbres on the instrument, different things flow from its mouth. The nature of that which is being summoned, formed, depends on the song, and those with long breath can blow entire mountain ranges into existence, or summon purple giraffes, create streams of molten gold, and bring spirits or gods themselves into being.

Masque del Chromatox: A mask strapped to the face, allowing the wearer to change the color of anything or area by the touch of a finger and the forming of a metal picture of the desired hue.
Amulet Of DeBoogerification:
A silver chain, draped upon your neck, with a boxlike pendant on it. If you have significant mucus, or sneeze, then the pendant will enlarge into a tissue box, and an ultra-soft double plus lotion tissue will fly at your nose, and alleviate your cold symptoms. It was forged in the depths by the Boogersmiths of the Snotorgan Empire to overthrow the Snot King, who was made of crispy, hardened, blood-soaked mucus.
Pinkdrinkers are a pink, three headed serpent that breathes fire, and can't see the color green. Their main predator, Crobbles, are large, green frogs with tiny eyes and crab pincers.
They would also suck unicorn blood, so unicorns try to avoid them. Since unicorns can turn invisible, they would hide to avoid the Pinkdrinkers. Crobbles help unicorns.
Wizard Sword:
Wizard Swords are used whenever wizards fight. Each Wizard Sword is unique to the wizard, and has a special enchantment. For example, The Winter Warlock's sword can freeze anything it touches. Wizards can summon their swords to their sides at will, and can also store them in an inter-dimensional storage space. The Space Wizard does not have a sword, because she uses throwing stars instead, but they use a similar principle. She once had a dagger though, but she sold it to a Planar Goblin named Ted the SpAcE GOBlin.
Hex of Zagroppledogglerabbaroo (placeholder name):
Turns someone's blood into shampoo, then causes them to hemorrhage