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Ask me about weaving!

Hi! I'm rather new to the world of weaving, and to this forum, but I'm here to offer my meagre services if anyone would like to pick up some realistic details that would fit into the life of a weaver/textile processor!

As a bonus, I know some things about:
-processing wool
-natural dyeing (I almost spelled it as dying heheh)
-hand sewing

May be useful if you're riting medieval fantasy or some such thing!
I’m no expert on weaving, not by a long shot, and I really can’t be bothered with actually doing it in real life, but it’s an important factor in my Anglo Saxon inspired fantasy world. It was interesting to find out about how they would make clay weights to make the loom. Women are central to my stories too and if they exist in a historical context, it’s often the case that they are adept at weaving. It’s often where women would come together and spend long hours, almost as integral as breathing and existing, dropping the spindle and constantly making yarn and weaving.