a very brief...
Worlds within a world, consciousness within consciousness.
=o Thank youThis sounds absolutely brilliant!
I decided to go with fragmentation first, as that seems the most logical path. Reintegration cannot happen if there is nothing to sew together.Why not both?
I see from another thread you already have this outlined...which did you choose?
That's a very good point. Especially if reintegration weakens the soul - focusing on one area while another one slips out. Like those scenes where the water is pouring in, and as soon as you patch that spot, another bursts open.Well...some parts can be fragmenting while others are sewing together, kind of a yin and yang relationship. Or perhaps as some pulls apart, something else comes to fill the gap.
I would definitely love to explore cycles, as it is within life.Is there the possibility of a cycle? Eras of fragmenting followed by eras of reintegration?
I like this a lot. It's very focused and doesn't get to big for it's own britches which I think a lot of world builders fall into (myself included). There's a lot of room to expand on each of the layers too which is always good. I'd love to see some stories out of this.