Garren Jacobsen
What are your thoughts on this my homies?
I watched the first episode not long after it was available, but I've not bothered to watch the rest.
It didn't really grab me. It seemed almost like it could be a purely historical crime thriller, only with some things changed "to make it fantasy," heh. I don't know how to explain my reaction. I've read some reviews that talked about a lack of a sense of wonder; I suppose I'm somewhat in that boat.
Me too. It was good, I wouldn't say great. Worth a second season, however.Finished it last night. I thought it was interesting and worthwhile.
These aren’t elements of the world the characters are going to feel wonder about, so it’s difficult to put that sense onto the viewer without changing the aesthetic of the show. .... When it comes to the fae, though, they’re not supposed to impart wonder—they’re just another part of the world.