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Dream Sequence Prologue

I understand this is more of a visual medium thing, though I could be wrong. Anyways, for that vast and still not completely brought over prologue I have in my portfolio is being re-worked and from the P.O.V. of the actual main character. I am trying to connect to her by way of half remembered memories and visions she get's of battlefields later in the story. It'll just go from her big save the world fight climax to a startled and surprised (and slightly hungover) wake up.

Not sure if this would really work and it's only partially written out as of now. The Scribes thoughts on this?


Popping into the forum, saw this, and am surprised no one's commented yet.

Conventional advice to stay away from prologues and also starting a story with a character sleeping/waking up (I'd say dreams fall into that category as well). The reasoning is that both of these types of openings have been done to death and don't add much to the story.

That said, if a dream sequence is where your story begins, well... That's where your story begins. Write it if that's *you* need to start your story but be prepared to possibly cut or move it later on.

If you do choose to keep your prologue consider carefully what it does to establish character, setting, and tone. What does it add that your first chapter can't do? What stakes are raised that can't be introduced in chapter 1? How does it move the story forward? What questions does it raise for the reader? How does opening with a dream spur the character into more action at the end of the prologue? And be careful of letting your character become passive in a dream sequence--this is your reader's first introduction to them.

Hope this helps!