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Hello everyone!

I just recently stumbled upon this community of fantasy writers and I'm so glad that I did! :)

I got back into writing about two months ago and it's always been my intention to write either a science-fiction or fantasy novel. I've got several ideas that I've had for, well, years actually and they just won't go away. So I've decided to listen and start writing.

My interests include reading, writing, reading manga, watching anime and crime dramas, and listening to film scores and JPOP.

It's so great to find a fantasy writing community and nice to meet you all!

- librarianm1488


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met librarianm1488
Nice to meet you to.
This is a great place to learn and share.
Leap on in when you have half a mind.
That nagging thought is where most of my stories start... and everyone has to start somewhere...