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Hi! I'm Ehlarh,

I'm 21 and currently working on a novel that I actually plan to publish one day. Not too proud to admit, but I’ve been writing fantasy stories for about nine years now. Out of all of them, I’ve only completed one—a novella. Most of my other projects never make it past the midpoint, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come with my current story. (I haven’t quite reached the midpoint yet, but I’m close!)

One thing I’ve discovered is how helpful it can be to have a critique partner or writing buddy. So, if anyone out there would like to share ideas, talk about WIPs, or dive into anything story-related, I’m always up for it.

Looking forward to connecting with all of you!😊


Hello and Welcome, Ehlarh!

Of course, all of us would love to help and be part of your writing journey, so don't hesitate when sharing with us. And as I like to say: Go wild and let loose!

P.S.: How's your name supposed to be pronounced?😅


Hello and Welcome, Ehlarh!

Of course, all of us would love to help and be part of your writing journey, so don't hesitate when sharing with us. And as I like to say: Go wild and let loose!

P.S.: How's your name supposed to be pronounced?😅
Take the H to be silent😂😂