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How do you handle writing Time?


As per the subject, how would you guys handle when you handle a scene that is currently happening, and the character is thinking of what happened last night(that has dialogue in it) ?

Take for example my character is now examining an area, and has a memory of some discussion last night with another character, and then he is jolted back to the present as someone calls him.

Do you italics the entire past memory? Or add asterisk or paragraphing etc?


I'm curious about this too actually. I've been avoiding this as I'm not sure how I'd write it in a none-confusing way. The way I've been considering to do would be

"<Name>'s voice echoed in his head; <Dialogue from earlier>. And suddenly he remembered..."

Or something like that. But yeah - I would also like to hear this from someone more experienced!

K.S. Crooks

Using italics is usually done, as well you can set the paragraph margins narrower to distinguish the memory from thinking in the moment. I have also seen the use of a different font style to show the same thing.


Article Team
Or using past perfect tense.

Jonathon stared at the object before him and was hit by something Juan had said earlier.

"If you see one, don't ever touch it." Last night Juan been pretty adamant that it would be certain death if anyone were to even graze a finger on the slimy thing. Staring at it now, Jonathon could see why.


toujours gai, archie
I agree with Heliotrope. I try not to rely on typography to solve narration challenges.

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Yup, the trick is using tenses properly. You may end up with a few "had had's" and it will feel a little odd at first, but the reader will understand.


Article Team
Using tenses can be very helpful when delving into flashbacks, but for just simply the character thinking about the past without without having things play out for the reader, it's just a matter of finding a natural segue into that thought.

For example.

The sound of the office umbrella rack crashing onto the floor told Cal that Sam had finally arrived for work, only an hour late. Cal smiled to himself as Sam mumbled curses and stumbled about trying to put the rack back up. Last night, they hung at Joeys popping shots till way past midnight. Laughs flowed and good times hovered until Sam grabbed the server's ass. Getting tossed into the street by a 300lb bouncer wasn't fun, especially if you puke after landing.

Sam swore again, gave up, and kicked the umbrella rack into a corner....


Article Team
This is what I use depending on the flow & structure of the story:

-bold + italics. Ex: Summerset Isles, 31st Evening Star
-A new chapter
-A chapter break
-I might omniscient narrate

As per the subject, how would you guys handle when you handle a scene that is currently happening, and the character is thinking of what happened last night(that has dialogue in it) ?

Take for example my character is now examining an area, and has a memory of some discussion last night with another character, and then he is jolted back to the present as someone calls him.

Do you italics the entire past memory? Or add asterisk or paragraphing etc?

I'd probably not quote the dialogue precisely, but paraphrase it. Example:

From my seat on the porch, laptop warming my legs, I took a moment to breathe in my surroundings. The distant blue mountain blended with the sky, so I could scarcely tell where one ended and the other began. An idyllic setting in which I might write in peace.

Except for the scent of burning feathers.

Last night, Joey had told me about the mad pyromancer loose in the foothills, leaving a trail of burning corpses in his wake. He always kills a raven first, Joey had said. Then he kills you. Some people say he speaks your name first. I'd dismissed Joey's stories as the product of an overactive imagination.

Panic pounded in my chest as I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name. Every plot device running through my mind evaporated. I closed my laptop and waited for a prankster to reveal himself and set my mind at ease. Then I saw the fireball.​


Thanks for the tips and advises. I've thus employed several of your tactics to try to differentiate the past and present flow of time. It's harder than just plain old italics but it's more fun creatively!


As per the subject, how would you guys handle when you handle a scene that is currently happening, and the character is thinking of what happened last night(that has dialogue in it) ?

Take for example my character is now examining an area, and has a memory of some discussion last night with another character, and then he is jolted back to the present as someone calls him.

Do you italics the entire past memory? Or add asterisk or paragraphing etc?

Time is kind of messed up in my work anyway, I'm terrible at keeping up with time. Maybe an extra bit of salt and pepper?