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Looking for Fantasy/Spec Fiction Writing Group


New Member
Hello! My name is Kyra. I'm currently at the end of the first draft of the first novel in a fantasy trilogy I've been cooking for about 5 years now... finally writing it out! I've written several screenplays, but this is my first novel and I'm looking for community.

I'd love to find a group - or start one if there's enough interest - where we could gather to discuss technique, strategy and general approaches to writing as well as giving each writer a chance in the "hot seat" to get peer feedback. Anyone have something like that out there? Or if not, would you be interested in joining? I live in Boulder, CO USA right now but am planning on moving to Kauai so time zones may be tricky, but let's see what we come up with!


Myth Weaver
Howdy Kyra,

Well....the whole site is kind of one giant group here you can discuss technique, strategy, and approaches... But, you will need to make at least 5 posts to get the whole site to open up to you. That's just how it works.


I'm in a similar position. I've been working on my first speculative fantasy novel for several years. I've just taken it into Obsidian for finishing my first draft. Happy to start a group, swap excerpts or discuss. I'm in SE Asia so probably a whole 12 hours out from your timezone! Good luck with your trilogy.


Yeah it's a speculative dark fantasy novel, with a far-future setting. There's a connecting magic and science system, though it might not be sci-fi because of the point of view.

Some other themes/tropes:

- Volatile earth
- Sigil Magick
- Manipulation, brainwashing
- Faction dependent magic
- Parasitism
- Political intrigues
- Fanatics
- And a fair amount of fighting lol

Adult audience.

I'd love to hear more about yours!