Hello scribes!
I hope your writing endeavors are progressing and you're having fun all the while. I'd like to take this opportunity to organize another Mythic Cabin or two or three. Let's see how many folks we can get.
Please leave your nano username in your replies and we'll log in and request each other. We've done this for at least two years, with summer camps too, and the results are seriously awesome.
This thread is for meet and greet purposes, but as we get going, please feel free to join all your fellow scribes here to post your progress, blocks, and words of inspiration.
For those who are new to nano, please log into the nanowrimo site and create a username. When it asks you for cabin requests, select Choose specific cabinmates. At that point, paste in a few names off this thread and prepare for an awesome journey for four weeks as you surround yourself with Mythic Scribes who will motivate you to do your best, support you when you suffer setbacks, and liven up the cabin with dialogue because we're already friends and know each other.
For returning nanos, please consider picking a few friends you already nano with and a couple of our newer members, so they can receive all the benefit of your experience. The more we nano together, the stronger we all become.
Best wishes as the nano season gets underway. In the coming weeks, I'll open a thread asking for your brief outline/ summary and or book blurb. Let us know what you're working on. Let's take this opportunity to support each other and perhaps get more traffic to our MS site. Others might benefit from knowing what kind of forum we are and find the help they need as isolated writers.
I hope your writing endeavors are progressing and you're having fun all the while. I'd like to take this opportunity to organize another Mythic Cabin or two or three. Let's see how many folks we can get.
Please leave your nano username in your replies and we'll log in and request each other. We've done this for at least two years, with summer camps too, and the results are seriously awesome.
This thread is for meet and greet purposes, but as we get going, please feel free to join all your fellow scribes here to post your progress, blocks, and words of inspiration.
For those who are new to nano, please log into the nanowrimo site and create a username. When it asks you for cabin requests, select Choose specific cabinmates. At that point, paste in a few names off this thread and prepare for an awesome journey for four weeks as you surround yourself with Mythic Scribes who will motivate you to do your best, support you when you suffer setbacks, and liven up the cabin with dialogue because we're already friends and know each other.
For returning nanos, please consider picking a few friends you already nano with and a couple of our newer members, so they can receive all the benefit of your experience. The more we nano together, the stronger we all become.
Best wishes as the nano season gets underway. In the coming weeks, I'll open a thread asking for your brief outline/ summary and or book blurb. Let us know what you're working on. Let's take this opportunity to support each other and perhaps get more traffic to our MS site. Others might benefit from knowing what kind of forum we are and find the help they need as isolated writers.