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Salty, sarcastic, and slightly unhinged, hi, it's me.


Hello, hello. I debated about a decent thread title for about five minutes, and then I gave up, and we've got that. I never truly know what to say in introductory posts, never mind that I haven't been apart of forums for the past decade. Anyway, I'm just your regular average guy online that tries to write. It is pretty funny that for the first 20-ish years of my life, I legit hated writing, and now here I am, actually trying to write a story. Interesting chapter of my life.

Besides all of that, I'm Veydris, and hi.

Diana Silver

And 'perfect' is the enemy of anything at all ^.^ Welcome welcome! Glad you managed to find your way into writing in the end! :D


Thank you, thank you. Perfection is the enemy, strive to be better, but don't let it hold you back from trying.

1% progress is better than anything, and goes to the W column.


Thank you, thank you. Perfection is the enemy, strive to be better, but don't let it hold you back from trying.

1% progress is better than anything, and goes to the W column.
As the slowest writer at this site, I can attest to this!

Indeed--just last night I reached and passed 80K words on my project. It's taken me over a year, but it will get finished. Words add up.

Welcome, and good luck with your writing!


Hello, hello. I debated about a decent thread title for about five minutes, and then I gave up, and we've got that. I never truly know what to say in introductory posts, never mind that I haven't been apart of forums for the past decade. Anyway, I'm just your regular average guy online that tries to write. It is pretty funny that for the first 20-ish years of my life, I legit hated writing, and now here I am, actually trying to write a story. Interesting chapter of my life.

Besides all of that, I'm Veydris, and hi.
Nice to have you join us man, you're welcome.