Now is the point where I face desk. In the process of developing my world as I write, I've kinda cornered myself. I see how I want my story to be, I look at what it is, and I know I need to do alot of rewriting. I'm not done yet with the first draft, so this leads me to ask...
Is there a point where one is safe to start rewriting, even if the draft is still incomplete? I'd say I'm in the last act. In fact, I'm only a chapter away from the climax where things start happening. Should I toughen up and push through, or should I think about rewriting?
This is the first time I've made it this far, so I'm quite happy with that. Now its just a matter of figuring out what is necessary.
Is there a point where one is safe to start rewriting, even if the draft is still incomplete? I'd say I'm in the last act. In fact, I'm only a chapter away from the climax where things start happening. Should I toughen up and push through, or should I think about rewriting?
This is the first time I've made it this far, so I'm quite happy with that. Now its just a matter of figuring out what is necessary.