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The Slashdragon


The slashdragon (Magnonychus rufus) is the largest terrestrial predator of the Storm Sea region, and among the largest known anywhere (both elsewhere on Temere and on Earth). Its most defining characteristic is its grossly enlarged middle claws which can grow up to two feet in length. An eight meter long, 2.5 ton apex predator, it uses this to hunt similarly large prey, such as wild steedbeasts, clawcows, and young titans through two main techniques: precise puncture of vital regions or grappling victims and finishing off with a bite. The young, by contrast, start out as dog-sized quadropeds that hatch in their mothers' pouches. It stays with its mother for upwards of a year or more, slowly growing larger hind legs and losing most of its feathery coat.

Something of a taxonomic mystery for some time, DNA evidence has since firmly placed the slashdragon at the base of the Cervornid family tree, splitting off very soon after the clades appearance. With them it shares seasonal antler growth (in this species shared between the sexes) and a pouch used to carry a singular egg until it hatches. Of course, the vast majority of true cervornids are herbivorous, omnivorous at most, but the slashdragon hunts large game, including its relatives. It also shares with them, and indeed with the wider Therothere clades, a propensity towards telepathy. While less developed than herding steedbeasts and near-sapient king-of-beasts, it does allow for basic communication between mother and child, as well as circumstantial meetings with other adults. More curiously, a few individuals are known to be able to tap into the physic network of steedbeasts and use it to their advantage, coordinating around the information gained and even luring stray animals by mimicking another member of the herd. This behavior has long been attested to by the Ak-Noss (a nomadic culture of gremlins and harpies that have a deep connection with domestic steedbeasts), but has only recently been confirmed by Western scientists.


Myth Weaver
I don't know...that stick figure looks terrified. I wish I had room for more Dino like creatures in my tale, but alas.... I don't think they would make it in the mostly cold clime.
At first I didnt see the stick figure and thought the juvenile was a scale "normal dinosaur size" apatosaurus or something, and was very curious about what they ate!
I see now, very cool.
I should do more drawings of my creature features.