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Writing Resources Autocrit vs. Pro Writing Aid


I have used several programs for editing my writing. As I have not had any formal creative writing education past secondary school, and although I believe I have a great story, I am very aware of my weaknesses. Grammar (Yuck!) Passive voice (Double yuck) and although MS Word does alert me to grammar and passive voice issues,(Word misses quite a bit) I have searched long and hard for a good program to fit my needs. I have downloaded several of these programs and purchased a few but just recently have been using Autocrit. I have a subscription so I can check chapters. It picks up passive voice words such as have and was/were. Showing vs. telling: could, feel/felt, hear/heard, it/there, etc., and unnecessary filler word such just/then and that. It also alerts me to repeated words and phrases (Whoa!!!) but I have heard that Pro Writing Aid is a better program. But before I impulsively purchase this program I am hoping some of you can give me feedback. With gratitude. :)