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Recent content by claramcalister

  1. claramcalister

    World building and Suspension of Disbelief

    I find the assertion that being creative with language (i/e creatively finding ways to express what you want your characters to say, in a way that is consistent with their setting) and not relying on modernisms when they don't make sense within context is "using archaic or formal language"...
  2. claramcalister

    World building and Suspension of Disbelief

    That's where my problem lies. Like, you can't write a book in full on middle English and expect a reader to stick around. We can all reasonably suspend disbelief when it comes to modern use of language. But at the same time, that suspension of disbelief is only to an extent. If you say...
  3. claramcalister

    A whole chapter dedicated to World building

    I really don't consider it "hand holding" to give your readers an explanation when warranted. Especially if it's a completely foreign world; holding information back or making readers figure things out on their own can be great when it's used correctly. It can especially be useful as a plot...
  4. claramcalister

    The coming and going of gods

    I don't think a God of the Afterlife / Death is really necessary. In fact, I actually think it's a really bad idea for this story. If I'm understanding the premise correctly, your Gods are actually just another humanoid race from another planet a la Stargate (but with what's roughly Magic...
  5. claramcalister

    How many kingdoms/cultures?

    My rule of thumb, personally, has always been "as many as my character will realistically encounter while traveling + 5 for good measure". So basically, if my character is traveling to different Kingdoms, I need to make at least one culture for each kingdom she travels to. But, realistically...
  6. claramcalister

    Can I base part of my story on the bible, if my world does not have the bible?

    It's undeniable that even if we aren't Christian, most of us love Abrahamic religious mythology in one way or another. Or, at the very least, we're accustomed to it culturally. And because of that, most of us know what angels and Demons are regardless of our own religious backgrounds and...
  7. claramcalister

    A whole chapter dedicated to World building

    I agree with this. Some of the best "Infodumps" I've encountered are in books that have put me in the same emotional, confused place as the character its being explained to- so much so that it's literally made me go "WHAT THE FRICK!! IS GOING!!! ON!!!". And in those cases, I'm always beyond...
  8. claramcalister

    Worldbuilding to The Max

    I've actually done this with my Chanteuse project! My Husband pointed out some holes in my worldbuilding at one point, and I sat down to fix them...... Only to wind up with a detailed 700 year history of the world + Several "academic papers" written by outsiders to the country my story focused...
  9. claramcalister


    That's actually what this project started out as, believe it or not! I needed a consistent way of naming places / beings for a cultural myth series I was playing with for writing prompts (just to keep myself writing; two of them are included in the folder I linked to!) and it sort of exploded on...
  10. claramcalister

    World building and Suspension of Disbelief

    I'm mixed, personally. I think writing a story in older times without modern language is an unrealistic expectation in general. You run the risk of making it too convoluted or making it too hard for readers to connect with. Which kind of defeats the purpose, imo. And, realistically speaking, I...
  11. claramcalister


    So much good information I cant be bothered to quote it all. But thank you, from the bottom of my heart! I'll give it a shot and play around with IPA- though I do kind of like the idea of Ad Hoc being used to develop new dialects :D At the very least, though, it'd give a consistent starting...
  12. claramcalister


    I will absolutely take a look at it when it launches!
  13. claramcalister

    How to constrain the use of attack magic among civilians

    Sorry, I was replying mostly within the context of Michael's additions and the points you made which were relatively in line with it. Specifically the statement that: I didn't mean to make it seem as if I was saying you had the same ideology or that you wholly believed the same. I apologize if...
  14. claramcalister


    Thanks! And any insight that y'all could give to improve it is always appreciated; I'm not sure if I have comments enabled on the DOCs, But if i do feel free to leave notes in relevant areas on them! That lexicon is hella impressive. Good lords! Thank you so much for the book suggestion!
  15. claramcalister

    How to constrain the use of attack magic among civilians

    That's kind of my point. Relying wholly on the idea that people wouldn't do it because "you could kill yourself doing this" is flat and unrealistic. Ultimately it's arguably either a crutch or a cop out for an underdeveloped culture / world; if you're not also taking into account the social...