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Recent content by darthbuttchin

  1. D


    Hi, Cheers for your kind comments. I know they didnt go so far as to deify their dictators. I've read alot about North Korea (largely because I'm worried about them) and that is another perfect idea. My inspiration by Lenin was more things such the giant statues (which I find really impressive)...
  2. D

    If your book was banned...

    Hmmm, if faced with a ban, I would do more to make it publicly known. I'd create witty T-shirts etc and go on book signings without books and so on (these sorts of ideas being inspired by The Life of Brian, which upon being banned in Norway, the Pythons created a poster stating 'So funny they...
  3. D

    The Hobbit.

    I've succeeded! It's taken me 12 years to do so, but I've finally finished The Hobbit. In the end, it took me a week to read it through, but I've been trying on and off to do so for 12 years. What's surprising is, due to my lack of success in previous attempts, I started it with the intention of...
  4. D

    Best book that you were given as a child?

    Danny and the Champion of the World. I loved all Roald Dahl when I was little, but this particular one I must have read about 100 times. My copy is so read now that I cant touch it, it'll fall apart if I do. The story was just so magical and captivating that I couldnt put it down. I got it as a...
  5. D

    Your Writing Station

    For me? I cant help but use pen and paper. I often scrub things out and like jotting out mind-map type things and I've never got on with mind-mapping software. I also get a bit OCD about leaving things I dislike in a word doc (or similar) just in-case I come back to it. Once Ive worked out...
  6. D


    The little world that is currently being created by me basically resolves around an ancient King who has, over time, grown to become the person they basically worship. I was inspired by the Nazi's and the communists in Russia with this. I know it's not particularly original, but it's not a...
  7. D

    Real World.

    It is not just that everything can be traced back to the real world, everything must do. I shant go into too greater detail, as we could discuss this for hours, but my main point is thus - The only world we have true experience of is this one (although, should any of you actually be an alien...
  8. D

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

    I was disapointed with the part 2. Part 1 was so good and filled with info that was important (except the stupid dancing scene...), it really set what looked like a good platform for part 2 to finish the series with a resounding bang. But for me it didnt. It was a fizzle. Lots of stuff was just...
  9. D

    Childhood favorites that only get better

    As a child of the nineties (92 to be specific), I was exposed to the Disney movies alot - both the re-releases and the new ones (e.g. Aladdin). Lots of them still hold a special place and when I watch them again (on DVD now, gone are the barely watchable, un-rewound, chewed up VHS's - not my...