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Recent content by Graham M

  1. G

    Readers love spoilers... the art of foreshadowing

    One way to do it is to slip a clue in between other bits of information so the clue is overlooked.
  2. G

    What do you do to improve your descriptive writing?

    There are some excellent suggestions here. For myself, the simplest thing I can do to improve my description is to consult the thesaurus and dictionary I always have to hand. From there, I can make the best word choice and polish later as necessary. I agree that descriptions should hold...
  3. G

    Tropes that are Useful to Know or Discuss

    I think you hit it on the proverbial nail, Heliotrope: the key in using tropes (or 'literary conventions,' if you prefer) is to put your own twist on them so they don't become cliches.
  4. G

    Creating a fantasy language

    As others have mentioned, a sort of mash-up of different appealing sounds can work if you're only looking for a word or two, or some names. If you're interested in creating an entire language -- which I prefer to do, personally -- I would recommend The Language Construction Kit by Mark...
  5. G

    Hullo, All

    I ran across this site by accident while perusing Pinterest, and decided to join. I'm working on a book with my brother (listed on this site as Wolf M), an urban fantasy that so far remains in the early stages. I'm a slow but avid reader, a nature enthusiast, and an identical twin. I hope Wolf...