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Recent content by Janga

  1. J

    What are the rules of Naming?

    I agree with everything that has been said so far concerning naming. I will add that a names should be believable as a name. What I mean is that it is very easy to pick out a name that is just a made up word. It's always bothered me when I have come across a name of a character or a place in a...
  2. J

    The Riyria Revelations: Unlikely Heroes...Classic Adventure

    I'm reading the last book in the Riyria Revelations now. This series is excellent!! I would have never known it existed if I wasn't a member of this forum.
  3. J


    If you like Sci-fi... Battlestar Galactica is an excellent show on Netflix. Also, if you like zombie movies (and who doesnt?) The Walking Dead is a great show on Netflix!
  4. J

    Kill this Thread

    This thread has been locked.
  5. J

    GoodReads.com Accounts?

    My GoodReads profile is in my sig :)
  6. J

    creating a culture

    Political and religious structure. Wealth of the people (class system? Poor? Rich? etc) Geographic location (medieval England vs. Desert City etc etc) I think those are the big three. Of course you can be as detailed as you want.
  7. J

    Game of Thrones

    I'm finding as the new season progresses, they are deviating more and more from the book. The show is great, but I find most of the deviations unnecessary.
  8. J

    What makes you give up on a book?

    Something that will turn me off a book is if the characters make stupid decisions that do not make any sense. I've read a few books like that but i can't think of any specifics right now. Also, stories that don't appear to be going anywhere coupled with uninteresting characters will lead me to...
  9. J

    new to the boards

    Welcome! :)
  10. J

    Theft of Swords?

    Book 1 was fantastic. I finished it very quickly. I find that Book 2 is dragging on a bit... especially the parts that do not include Royce and Hadrian.
  11. J


    It kind of reminds me of the book Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay, except it is a kingdom/land that is forgotten. You should check it out as it may open ideas for you that you haven't considered.
  12. J

    Books on your Wishlist

    I keep an online list because my memory is horrible: Shawn's bookshelf: to-read (showing 1-30 of 44) (sorted by: position)
  13. J

    Final Fantasy

    I'll rate the ones I've played. I havent played all of the FF games: FF6: It was known as FF3 when I had it for my Super Nintendo. This is probably my favorite game of all time. The story was just so awesome and Kefka was a brilliant villain. FF7: Another terrific FF game... great story and...
  14. J

    Assassins, Bounty Hunters, and Sell-swords

    Bronn from the ASoIaF series and of course Fitz from the Farseer trilogy.
  15. J

    Patrick Rothfuss' "The Name of the Wind"

    I found The Name of the Wind a little tedious to get through. As others have mentioned, the prose is excellent and it is a well written story... but the characters are not interesting enough for me. I found myself not caring what happens to them... which translates to not caring to read the...