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Recent content by jovidepine

  1. jovidepine

    [Game] Co-writing

    "Today, I think of butterflies, and how they flutter on the edge of the wind," said Jemma darkly. Mike hushed her. It was like being scolded by a dark sorcerer. One that held on to the last rift between reality and fiction.
  2. jovidepine

    Someone to write with?

    I might be interested, depending on what are your answers to CupofJoe inquiries! I work really weel with peers. I love writing with tangible goals, especially one as "someone will read this!". I also really enjoy giving feedback and helping other writers grow, so I think this could work really...
  3. jovidepine

    Semi-realistic medieval-style world-building

    I think a big part of "realistic" worldbuilding comes down to logically thinking about situations and following through with those conclusions. Not being prescriptive, but rather descriptive when it comes to reality and world events. So, you said you wanted interesting villages, Kingdoms...
  4. jovidepine

    Sizes of Armies in the Hungarian-Ottoman Wars

    Aldarion , I just found your blog through your posts here and man, I love it so much! Great work, you've found yourself a new reader. Keep it up! :)
  5. jovidepine

    How does one avoid Tonal Whiplash?

    Brandon Sanderson tackles this by postulating that stories are about promises and payoffs. Tone is one of the promises you make to your reader. Take the A Song of Ice and Fire series, for example. Probably when writing (certainly when editing) book 1, George RR Martin knew his main character...
  6. jovidepine

    How do you write consistently?

    In my years of trying to actually finish my stories, I've found that inspiration has been too fickle of a resource to depend on. I can do great work if I draw upon it, but it's availability shifts of it's own accord, thus making it quite difficult if one plans to write more than once or twice a...
  7. jovidepine

    Hello everyone, new here

    Hello Millano, welcome! I'm also new here, and also a non-native english speaker. Let's work together!!