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Recent content by kirai

  1. K

    What Details are Necessary?

    Everyone has been immensely helpful. I knew I had to add some detail, but I didn't want to bog down the reader with too much schematics. I think I know how to do it now.
  2. K

    What Details are Necessary?

    My WIP is a science fantasy (space with magical elements.) Spaceships and FTL travel are a staple. The FTL travel is set up similarly to that of the Mass relays in Mass Effect. They are more like train stations/airports. my question is: do I need to go into detail about how the FTL traveling...
  3. K

    Weapons for the furies

    For Tyria, instead of a stone axe, perhaps a golden broadsword? Justice in physical form. Just an idea. As for Hamara, I like Grypho's idea with frozen arrows. And maybe a set of daggers laced with poison/acid. Symbolically, feelings of envy and jealousy are more stealthy and can slowly tear...
  4. K

    My take on Elves....Cool or Cliche???

    Since you've described the physical difference of your elves/fae, what of their cultural differences? A stationary culture will have some huge differences in comparison to a migratory one. Is there a stigma with the gypsy elves as there is with gypsies/Romani of the real world? Also, more of a...
  5. K

    Dystopian recommeded reads? And what has become cliche in it?

    Love triangles are becoming common across all genres. Nothing is more romantic than when the MC decides whom they love more. Love triangles are not a bad thing. But if I'm not reading/watching romance, it gets annoying. The MC is trying to save the world. She doesn't have time to pick which guy...
  6. K

    Dystopian recommeded reads? And what has become cliche in it?

    Darkblade recommended some great ones. I would like to further recommend 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and my personal favorite, The Giver.
  7. K

    Name or pronoun?

    Since it's a one person scene, you can get away with a lot more when it comes to pronouns. For example, if you were to describe a MC crying, "The tears stung and burned. They fell like wax from a burning candle. A dryness tore at his throat as sobs sputtered out." My example isn't that great...
  8. K

    Post-Slavery Life

    All of these are awesome ideas. Here is some more info: the enslaved race are known as Rhajgon, a reptilian based race. The race that enslaved them are the Daega, a dark elf-ish race (best way to describe them.) The Daega were forced isolationists. Not including the disease that wiped them out...
  9. K

    Post-Slavery Life

    Race A enslaved Race B and held them in slavery for many generations. A disease wiped out Race A. Race B are now free. How would Race B cope with their new found freedom? I can't imagine that it would be an easy transition. And most real life historical examples still have the free former...
  10. K

    Life on the Worldtree.

    Those are some extreme environmental conditions. With that in mind, how did life begin? Or did the life come from elsewhere? The concept is very interesting, but it doesn't seem friendly to living things. While magic and climate controlled areas can help, when do they take the time to build...
  11. K

    Golems: Are they "alive"?

    The argument is: can anyone actively communicate with the golem? Do people know what the golem is capable of outside the physical speculation? I say this because it's been shown time and time again how we underestimate animals and their capabilities. An elephant is capable to drawing tangible...
  12. K

    Similar to the Metric Question

    How would you describe height without using meters or feet? I know you could use "head" as a measurement, but the average size of the human head is nine inches. Also, describing weight. Stone is a popular form of measurement, but what of others?