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Recent content by Klee Shay

  1. Klee Shay

    What Measure is a Subplot? and the Law of Conservation of Letters

    One of my stories has a set of twins named Kiri and Katra. Of course it's easy for me to keep them separated, but as long as the character's, don't have the same personalities, quirks and mannerisms as each other, I don't see a problem with the names starting with the same letter.
  2. Klee Shay

    Greetings from a life long chronicler of life's oddities.

    You do know I was just kidding, right? Welcome. There several boards to ask various writing questions and a couple of boards to practice writing skills and have story ideas reviewed that are accessible once you have 5 posts to your credit. Roam the site and find what interests you most. :)
  3. Klee Shay

    Greetings from a life long chronicler of life's oddities.

    "Pssst" whispered the shadowy figure lurking in the shadows, "welcome to the site."
  4. Klee Shay

    Greetings, one and all.

    Welcome to the site. Coffee and donuts and such can be found at the coffee and donuts and such counter. ;)
  5. Klee Shay

    Greetings fellow scribes!

    If you're going to paint the sky, please put down a drop-cloth. Am I the only one who cares about the carpets? :stomp: Welcome to the site. :D
  6. Klee Shay


    Roll-playing, eh? Please vacuum up the crumbs and welcome to the site. :)
  7. Klee Shay

    Greetings, Salutations, I Come In Peace (with footnotes)

    Settle for nothing less than the best, but please wipe your footnotes off on the welcome mat . . . we just cleaned the carpets. Welcome to the site
  8. Klee Shay

    Are you a plotter or a pantser?

    Pants for the most part, though I do usually have some idea of the general plot. Once I get going the characters tend to hijack the story and I (mostly) just go along for the ride. Forcing a story never works for me.
  9. Klee Shay

    Other writing forums

    You can try this one, as well. Approval is not automatic, an administrator must accept your application, but I've never heard of anyone being denied. fantasy-writers.org
  10. Klee Shay

    Hi all!

    Hi Marie. We have forums for that sort of thing. First names only. Welcome to our . . . um . . . world. Please find numerous, helpful forums here and let the rest of us know where they are. Thank you.
  11. Klee Shay


    Welcome to the site. There are plenty of things to see and do here. Much knowledge is floating about; the maids haven't vacuumed it up, yet. If you see a 'Mob of Bobs' running by, ignore them, they're really quite harmless.
  12. Klee Shay

    The Biggest Cliche

    Just about any story is going to end up being a cliche. If there isn't some world/empire/kingdom/village shattering event, there'd be no story. Then you have a story about nothing . . . a fantasy 'Seinfeld' so to speak
  13. Klee Shay

    Edits: Do they make your story shorter or longer?

    The only one I specifically kept track of for that particular reason got longer. It was a little over 9000 words when I started the edit and was over 12,000 when I was done. :unsure:
  14. Klee Shay

    Salutations, Scribes!

    Creative juices may be just the ingredient needed in the fine stew we've got bubbling in . . . ~looks around~ . . . where did that stew get to this time? Welcome
  15. Klee Shay

    Hello All

    Pillaging hoards aside, there's a mob of Bobs out there right now, so be semi-careful in your travels around the site. The Bobs are really quite easily handled, really. Just tell them you're not evil and they'll move on. They're more about waving fists and cudgels and such around than actual...