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Recent content by Lohengrin

  1. Lohengrin

    What's the funniest research you've ever had to do for your fantasy novel?

    Sewers. More specifically Roman Sewers. It all started when I was discussing about Lord of the Rings with a friend about how idealized it was, which lead to the topic of Elfic waste... When I started thinking about my own book this came back to my mind, and being a perfectionist I couldn't...
  2. Lohengrin

    Mythic Scribes Fantasy Survey Part 3

    I understand the argument about how cliches can be a good thing, but I just voted for the ones I am tired of reading. The Chosen One... oh please not again, when I read something among these lines I roll my eyes and skip the book. The Perfect elves too, I'm so tired of the blonde bright and high...
  3. Lohengrin

    True Sword Fighting

    The boxing match helped me a lot to understand how a fight would end quickly, thank you! And another video of how chaotic even duels could be, from something like a Medieval MMA in Poland
  4. Lohengrin

    14. Peter V. Brett Discussion

    I think I read it in June, so I don't remember everything in the books. What I remember is that I liked it, not one of the best, but it was good. Arlen's arc was great and pretty much why I kept reading it. Leesha and Rojer I didn't like, I don't like reading about a spoiled beautiful girl...
  5. Lohengrin

    Backwards reference in conversation?

    I agree with Truepinkas, I don't like it. My problem is the flow, if you reveal later who is talking to who I'll have to stop and rethink about the scene. It annoys me a little and I don't see a reason to do it. This stop, even if it is 1 or 2s brings me back to reality and interrupts the flow...
  6. Lohengrin

    real locations

    I usually know what I have in mind, so I start to search for places that fit this image. Hard work though, you can type "mountains" and search for 4hrs without finding anything, sometimes I get lucky though. This place for example called Vardzia in Georgia. How many times have you seen a dwarf...
  7. Lohengrin

    Does A Story Need A Main Character?

    There are several examples of "stories about stories", and they are usually huge and famous books. Of course the plot is character driven, that still doesn't change it is about a story. There are book that when you read it, you think "oh so this is a book about this guy that his throne has been...
  8. Lohengrin

    Does A Story Need A Main Character?

    I think it's legitimate. You'll be writing a story about a Story instead of a story about a character though, and that's fine. Personally I don't like when a story doesn't have a main character, but thats totally my opinion. If you like it, go for it.
  9. Lohengrin

    Everyday life among the vertically challenged?

    I'm one of those vertically challenged, so I'll try to help haha. - The world is made for average people, which implies that tall people would have some problems too. - Yes, last week I was in a pub that had a TV and everybody was watching UFC. Needless to say that with my height I couldn't...
  10. Lohengrin

    TV Series (Resource List)

    Weapons that made Britain is a great show. The guy puts a full plate armor and demonstrate how mobile it is, the effectiveness of the longbow, how swords were used and the decline of shields. You can learn a lot, if you dismiss the obvious biased point of view. One piece is a great anime, but...
  11. Lohengrin

    Ask me about Strategy and Tactics

    Hey thank you! That was something that has been bothering me for quite some time now.
  12. Lohengrin

    Ask me about Strategy and Tactics

    But what happened between the Roman-shield-wall and the pikes used in the renaissance? I mean, did the armies just run into each other with their swords and axes and spears without any protection? (not counting the armor) And if they didn't use shields, how did they protect themselves from...
  13. Lohengrin

    Government system problems

    @PMShockley Wow that was amazing. It answered several of my questions, and it also created more questions haha xD Something that bothers me a little is about where did they actually live. I know nobles had their own houses in London, so how much time did they spent there? I imagine that...
  14. Lohengrin

    Government system problems

    @skip.knox I didn't know that about the French, I just thought that well, french nobility just didn't pay taxes... But this power, where did it come from? I realize that by now feudalism is not used anymore and we already have the mercantilism. Society was money based, which lead me to the...
  15. Lohengrin

    Government system problems

    Of couse I could create anything, the problem is that it would be too far from reality. I have two extremes, but at the same time I don't have the details needed to create my own system. Everything I come up with doesn't seem really... good, I find flaws or I look back and realize "people would...