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Recent content by Lynea

  1. Lynea

    Would Anyone like to read ACOTAR with me?

    That's okay. I'm not likely to do the whole series over the summer.
  2. Lynea

    Would Anyone like to read ACOTAR with me?

    A Court of Thorns and Roses (and all the books in the series)
  3. Lynea

    Would Anyone like to read ACOTAR with me?

    There's no shame here. My social media feeds have been overflowing with ACOTAR memes, and though I keep clicking 'like' on most of them (and shopping for related merch) I must admit publicly that I haven't even started the series. So, over this coming summer I've resolved to read book one at the...
  4. Lynea


    Welcome đź‘‹ Always nice to have a fellow nerd aboard. Enjoy the journey, Sir Rob.
  5. Lynea

    Yay, I've made it to four years as a Scribe :D Thx for all the laughs and fun memories y'all.

    Yay, I've made it to four years as a Scribe :D Thx for all the laughs and fun memories y'all.
  6. Lynea

    New Fantasy Writer looking for feedback

    Lol, I love that cover, official or not. Yeah, throw something up in Critique Requests and we'll read it
  7. Lynea

    Book Cover Art

    Also, you can watch a few videos from The Book Doctors on their YouTube channel. They're great at covering basic info when it comes to editing/publishing/marketing. They also have the same info in the form of a non-fic book if you're interested. It's helped me. :)
  8. Lynea

    Book Cover Art

    I guess, start by telling us which publishing route you'd like to go with; traditional or self publishing? Things typically crank out from there.
  9. Lynea

    Adopt an Owlbear

    Welcome to the Scribes LittleOwlbear! Come and hang out with us on the chat sometime, we can talk about your fandoms. :)
  10. Lynea

    Ziva and the Book of Job

    Cool! I've seen an indie author who has, like, a biblical skeleton for a story, but he doesn't market it as a faith-based fantasy. And there are tons of fairly successful authors that do that. But yeah, I can’t see you getting very far trying to sell yourself as a Christian author. And that's...
  11. Lynea

    Ziva and the Book of Job

    Question: have you ever read a Bible-based fantasy? There are some good examples out there. I think, just from a marketing standpoint, that you don't want your target audience to be 'the Christian' audience. Generally speaking, I can’t see this series being successful under that kind of...
  12. Lynea

    I am new.

  13. Lynea

    Question about Theme

    You're welcome. :) I know better than most how complicated it is to give your 'heroes' villain-like tropes and vice versa. I typically just pick and choose based on who will best meet a certain goal, conformity be damned.
  14. Lynea

    Question about Theme

    I think it is totally acceptable. As far as MC goes, it seems like you're gearing up to make the villain an MC at some point, yes? So if you need to explore that theme through a character that fits the idea better, I'd say just go for it and don't apologize. I'm sure there are other roles your...
  15. Lynea

    Which format is better?

    Another workable option is to write a first-person narrative so that the important elements are not lost, and then interlude it with diary entries/letters. I've seen it done well before from top-selling authors.