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Recent content by MattR

  1. MattR

    Judaism, beliefs, terminology, etc

    My dad has all the talmud, he's a rabbi for more than 10 years now, and he'd not completed it yet. When learning Talmud one cannot just read it. For a start, because it's in Aramaic mixed with Talmudic Hebrew (more modern than Biblical Hebrew, but still not as Modern Hebrew of current day)...
  2. MattR

    Judaism, beliefs, terminology, etc

    my dad is an orthodox rabbi and altho im a secular jew now, i did go to seminary high school. any questions are welcome. to Ireth - what your wrote about menstruation is not fully correct. while a menstruating woman may not touch any holy instrument in the temple (we don't have a temple...
  3. MattR

    Need reasonable physical indicator of drug use

    It's because eyes are very sensitive, and the drug would have to be in the same Hp level of the body (hard to achieve if we want it to have any effect). It does seem cool, but medically not realistic :D
  4. MattR

    Need reasonable physical indicator of drug use

    As you already know signs given here are only immediate effect of drug use, and not long term exposure. From what I've seen on patients, drugs that are ingested usually leave stains on teeth, gums, and tongue. They also leave cracked, pale lips. Usually regular use of substances leaves mark on...
  5. MattR

    New Guy

    Haha thanks guys :)
  6. MattR

    Shadows Of Asirad Cover Art

    looking good to me :)
  7. MattR

    New Guy

    Hello all :) I'm Matt, 23, and obviously new here! I started writing when I was 17, and only now picking writing again. Feel free to PM me for research material regarding medicine / health and the likes. I'm an ex-paramedic and it might get handy. who knows? Love you all, Matt
  8. MattR

    Should I change my cover?

    Unlike others, I actually like the old one better. Its less fantasy-like, maybe, but It's done better, in my opinion.
  9. MattR

    Shadows Of Asirad Cover Art

    This is amazing my friend. I'd suggest you colour it digitally rather than ink it. Results would be epic.