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Recent content by mythique890

  1. mythique890


    I believe in God. I know there are horrible, unfair things that happen, but just because we can't see the reason doesn't mean there isn't one. I believe that we're here to gain experience and grow as people so we can become more like God like our children grow up to be adults. My not-quite...
  2. mythique890

    Romance scenes in fantasy: Love them or hate them?

    I don't know about the fantasy genre specifically, but the fact is most readers are female. Most (though of course not all) female readers prefer stories with a romantic subplot. It doesn't have to be a big deal, but I think it might help a story sell. I prefer stories without sex scenes...
  3. mythique890

    Game Dev Team & Decisions

    What is immature about your letter is your need to express your opinion of the project when it was unasked for. If you had included the first sentence and the sentence that made up your second paragraph your letter would have been much more professional. To call someone else's work "basic" and...
  4. mythique890

    Making Fairies a Legitimate Race

    I'd probably do something like make them 3 or 4 feet tall to put them on a more even footing with the other races (it's hard to be intimidated by someone you can stomp) and give them neutral-colored or translucent wings to make them seem a bit less... frilly. Another option is simply to make...
  5. mythique890

    Sources for cover art

    I was also going to suggest looking for artists on Deviantart, even though I'm not sure if they'd want royalties or not. It probably depends on the artist. I have an acquaintance who is a freelance illustrator with a style I like. When the time comes I'll probably approach her. If she...
  6. mythique890

    Quick question about typing

    I'm the same as Taytortots, at least for my first novel and a half. Everything was in one LARGE document and I skipped around with Ctrl + f. It was hard to find things sometimes, but it was nice when I decided to change two characters' names after I'd written the entire 26 chapters. Besides...
  7. mythique890

    Slipping into omniscient

    It would jar me as a writer, and I'm not sure how an editor would feel about it, but most normal readers probably wouldn't notice since they don't study or think about about POV. I've also heard that phrase, only it was "Kill your darlings." It's great advice but hard to follow if the...
  8. mythique890

    Can't close quotes with em-dash.

    I've wondered about that, too. My solution was to do em dash, comma, close quote then delete the comma. It's a pain, but I don't use em dashes very often, so not that big of a deal. I just checked, and here's sort of a solution (how to get straight quotes): Open Word 2007, click on the...
  9. mythique890

    Picking a good title?

    I've heard of authors making lists of words that capture the "feel" of their book and pick a title from that, otherwise I have no idea. I hate picking titles. I've definitely never had one picked out before I started writing a story.
  10. mythique890

    Thinking of themes.

    I don't write with themes in mind, but I don't think any writer can help but tell a story that reflects their core beliefs. That could result in unintended themes.
  11. mythique890

    Quick question about typing

    There's really no way to say because books come in different sizes and use different fonts and font sizes. Manuscript format is usually a double spaced sized 12 Courier font with 1 inch margins, which averages out to 250 words per page. My chapters usually end up between 2,500 and 4,000 words...
  12. mythique890

    Can't sleep with thoughts in my head?

    You're definitely not alone. I try to get to bed early enough to write for 20 mins to half an hour in a notebook before sleep. It doesn't empty my brain all the way, but it helps. @Jazz - ha ha, that makes me laugh but shake my head at the same time, having cleaned quite a bit of...
  13. mythique890

    Skyrim - tell us about your character

    I just started three days ago. I have a level 6 Breton named Kai, but I haven't been able to do much with her as my husband has been off work and spends most of his time on the Xbox refusing to share. So far I've only done one quest (the one with the Golden Claw) because I really like...
  14. mythique890

    Are you seriously paying more than $10 for an e-book?

    I think how much people are willing to pay for an ebook (or any unnecessary thing) is going to be heavily dependent on their financial situation. I understand where Bob the Pirate is coming from, because we're pretty broke too. I don't do it myself, but I understand. If I had more money, I...
  15. mythique890

    pen names and online identity for the self publisher

    I think if you're going to publish under a pen name it's a good idea to have a that name associated with a Twitter, blog, and facebook page where people can find out more about you (I agree that a fan page on fb is probably plenty), especially if you want to keep your real name quiet. It's what...