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Recent content by OblivionJones

  1. OblivionJones

    So, how's the weather?

    In Pittsburgh, PA, it's been a very rainy and unseasonably warm Christmas. It's been between forty and fifty degrees with the occasional chilly day in the thirties. It's usually a bit colder and gray with rain-slush everywhere. This year it's been so foggy that the christmas lights on my street...
  2. OblivionJones

    Does drinking improve your writing?

    In my own experience I find that I am useless for anything creative if I drink or if I've ever been high. Good luck convincing me of that during the period of chemical intoxication, though. I've often thought I knew precisely the best way to word something and then, reading it the next day, I'm...
  3. OblivionJones

    How do you read?

    Do you read one book at a time, or many? I usually have two to three going at one time. I'll have one book of fiction, one of history and one of something I'm trying to learn about skill-wise. Do you only read fantasy, or do you read many genres? I read anything and everything. If you see me...
  4. OblivionJones

    This or That?

    Just my opinion but... For your original question I'd have to go with Tupac. I feel he had a better command of the rhythm. I'm not going to answer your actual question, though. I'll leave that to someone else.
  5. OblivionJones

    Dragons: Rawr!

    I've always felt that, in stories in which dragons are very rare, the dragons in question serve the purpose of the mythical giants that once walked the earth. They're the remnants of a much more savage and magical age. Sometimes they're survivors of a pre-human time or a time when humans were...
  6. OblivionJones

    Recommended research topic.

    I suggest Native American myths if you like your mythos with a good sense of humor. It's not uncommon to actually laugh aloud when reading them or, in my very fortunate case, having them told to you by a close friend's grandfather.
  7. OblivionJones

    This or That?

    This thread is too cool to let die. I need to breathe life back into it. Burning in Ice. Not only is it a better song title but the former option made me have the idea that the fire was all the way inside my lungs as water would be, flooding each cell of my body somehow. I'd rather not have...
  8. OblivionJones

    Ah, it is that day once more.

    I hope you had a good birthday, my friend! Congrats on making it to 22. I hope you have many more years of good life.
  9. OblivionJones

    Would you write a graphic novel?

    I have to second what Chilari said. I, too, have attempted to work with a number of friends, and even one girlfriend, on graphic novels/webcomics. To the last they, the artists, fled on me or left me high and dry. I'd absolutely love to do it and still keep the scripts and incomplete storyboards...
  10. OblivionJones

    Three Things Thread

    My turn! I will say, in addition to the three bits to follow, I have to tip my hat to the person who initially said that coffee is good. Coffee is lovely. Truer words are seldom spoken. 1. I already own seven guitars, two amplifiers and a whole bunch of effects pedals. I can think of at least...
  11. OblivionJones

    Meow =^.^=

    Hey there! Welcome to the forums. I'm new, myself. It's been groovy so far, being here. I'm sure you'll like it.
  12. OblivionJones

    Introductions, introductions, introductions!

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I play both acoustic and electric. I have so many guitars! When I play electric I play a lot of psychedelic rock and blues. I was really into gypsy jazz a few years back so you can still hear a lot of that in my playing. When I play acoustic I play a lot...
  13. OblivionJones

    Introductions, introductions, introductions!

    Hello all! Unsurprisingly, I am an aspiring writer looking to hone his craft. I write a lot of fantasy stories and always have. The fantastic has always served as a source of inspiration, a place of solace, an old friend who is always there and a true home to me over the years. I look forward...