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Recent content by Renè Williams

  1. R

    How to Give Names "Power" (Not Religiously) ?

    Ah, good ole Edward Teach... Anyway, yes, I am doing this. My big bad's name is Umbra, which means nothing really in the language of my world, but in English and other languages has heavy connotations that also end up being a bit of a red herring... Almost every 'real' name you might think of...
  2. R

    Transitory Groups

    Tour of flanders? Cobblestone roads? LOVELY
  3. R

    Transitory Groups

    Paris Rubaix?
  4. R

    Origin Stories

    In my current WIP, the planet the story takes place on pretty much all believe that they know the truth of the universe, although it's only vaguely hinted at or explained what their actual supposed 'knowledge' is beyond a few key details. By the end of the book, the reader learns that clearly...
  5. R

    Transitory Groups

    Your elves explanation gives them a very Zen or Buddhist vibe, which is quite interesting.
  6. R

    Do you gravitate toward particular body types?

    Oh No! I didn't have to do that, it just shows up in the forum, hmmmm...ads you say? Where's my wallet....
  7. R

    Do you gravitate toward particular body types?

    Funny, I noticed she's left herself completely vulnerable to attack across the midsection for OTK, hahaha But, in all seriousness, this picture does describe part of the problem; Form over function. This stance would not be held by a warrior, it makes no sense and objectifies her body for the...
  8. R

    Causes of War for Fantasy Writers

    Interesting, so Rome was basically Kagemitsu Daigō except instead of dealing with demons, they just waged war, and it was tragically justified since they didn't have the knowledge we do now about monocropping.
  9. R

    Causes of War for Fantasy Writers

    Well, yes, I think the points earlier came down to that you'd then have to do the footwork for the reader to be convinced that this is a reasonable explanation in-universe, not saying that that would be hard. Like, if other side is Evil, you have to sort of define why they are considered evil...
  10. R

    Coined the term Jealot

    Coined the term Jealot
  11. R

    Causes of War for Fantasy Writers

    I feel like the reason wasn't just Evil Exists, but Evil Exists and has Threatened/Attacked us directly. I guess what I mean is, in order to be considered evil, they had to prove it, and ostensibly the actions the evil people took are the reason for war, not the existence of the people in general.
  12. R

    Do you gravitate toward particular body types?

    Even though i understand exactly what he meant, i still couldn't not envision someone stomping in someones urine as they urinate on the ground and I am not sure how i feel about that
  13. R

    Transitory Groups

    Yes, quite a number in my world due to the way society has 'evolved'. Mainstream society is pretty much only housed within 3C cities (Capital Cities Coalition, although some smaller cities have been brought under this banner that aren't the capital cities of the eight respective provinces of...