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Ronald T.


Ronald Taylor Smith:

I was born in Selma, Alabama, although I spent most of my younger life in Oregon, near Salem. In my late teens, I’ve lived in the suburbs northeast of Sacramento, California. After I got married to my beloved wife, Jane, she and I lived in the Sierra foothills and built custom homes on rural country properties between Loomis and Grass Valley.

I've been a passionate reader for the past forty-five years. And for more than thirty years, I’ve been a devout subscriber to two magazines: WRITER’S DIGEST, and THE WRITER. During that time, I have accumulated an impressive library of books designed to aid those wishing to become proficient writers. For many years now, most of the hours I spend in front of a TV screen have been with a “self-help for writers” resource in my lap.

The excitement and joy of learning something new is a reality I discovered only as an adult. However, I wish I’d made this wonderful discovery during my school years, when it might’ve saved me endless misery.

But during the last eleven years, along with reading other authors, my focus has been on actively writing during the day, while the study of writing still continues in the evenings — always in front of the TV.

I am writing an epic-fantasy series -- THE BLOOD-RUNE SAGA -- that I expect will require 6-10 books to bring about a satisfactory ending. The final book count might be fewer, but it’s unlikely to go longer.

I have completed book #1, THE UNNAMED RUNE (including final edits), at just over 155,000 words. I am finishing the last edit on book #2, A DIRE ONUS, at just over 197,000 words. And I have more than 425 pages written on book #3.

I plan to e-publish book #1 in the near future, soon to be followed by book #2.

My best to all of you…particularly those with secret dreams. May the powers of the universe grant you the determination to see those dreams fulfilled.

Reading, art, architecture, clasical and Doo Wop music
Grass Valley, California
Writer/author (Used to be a general contractor of




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