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Recent content by senseiseth

  1. senseiseth

    A Heart of Black-Fire for kindle and paperback

    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. I've got an anthology of short stories and poems available for Kindle and Paperback via Amazon. And I wanted to share the links for the book with you all to enjoy. That and the oven died at our house and I'm hoping to earn enough from book sales...
  2. senseiseth

    New Anthology for sale!

    Hey everyone! I've got a new anthology out in print from Amazon.com, and I'd wanted to let you all know in case you're looking for new stories in fantasy and science fiction. Right now the book is on sale for over half off the original price. Just put this code in when you're getting ready to...
  3. senseiseth

    Writers of the Future

    Hey guys, I wasn't entirely sure of the Writers of the Future contest given obvious controversies regarding patriarch founder it's associated with. And I wanted to see what you guys thought of it.
  4. senseiseth

    Author pages

    Thank you, that was very kind of you.
  5. senseiseth

    Author pages

    Hey guys, I have a new Facebook page, website, twitter account and blog and I'd love to have you guys stop on by and join up if you like them. Here are the links: My website Le Twitter Das Facebook And the blog Thanks guys, and I hope you enjoy them. I try to update on a...
  6. senseiseth

    'Strong' vs 'mean' in female characters

    The method I go with my female characters is that aside from the physical differences, I don't really treat them differently from the men. Some are good as background characters, others are more upfront. All can handle themselves in certain respects and not so much in others. Make them 3-d...
  7. senseiseth

    Narrative Structure?

    Okay, this can be tricky, but tricky can lead to a good story. A crisis doesn't have to be something major, something obvious, or even really exist. I have a short about this guy in a fantasy army. He joins the army for three big reasons; cash, glory, girls. That's it. Nothing really that big...
  8. senseiseth

    What constitutes as bad writing?

    There are two words that I can speak that epitomize the greatest quality of bad writing: The Room. Nuff said. But seriously here; no depth to characters, a rocky storyline, bad dialogue, no real direction of the story, those are the cardinal sins of story telling.
  9. senseiseth

    Damsels in distress?

    Hey Ireth, I think there isn't a problem with someone getting into a situation where they can't get out. If she's been able to get out before, and is finally hit the end of her rope and just can't go on. We're all human and humans have their limits that can come at the worst possible moment...
  10. senseiseth

    So, are we tired of zombies yet?

    DUDE! I literally saw a article about these two writers who specialize in Dino/Women erotica. How ****ed up is that?! I mean never thought anyone would think it for themselves let alone reading about someone else going through it.
  11. senseiseth

    Battle of Helm's Deep in LEGO!

    Okay, that's pretty friggin awesome. I think I remember something like that for Minas Tirith at this theater where they were showing The Return of the King.
  12. senseiseth

    Page Publishing

    Yeah, this thing looks like a money trap for authors who are really hellbent on getting their works in print. I have problem with an author paying a service if they're going into the self-publishing aspect of the business, but this one looks like you'll spend more than you earn. I hate to say...
  13. senseiseth

    Do these Kingdoms sound original and whats your opinion on them?

    I'd try something Pentallos. Keeps the flavor, but avoids the reuse of the name.
  14. senseiseth


    Same here, there just didn't seem to have any really resonating with that end. Then again, maybe the writers thought things weren't going to go into season two, so they figured to play it safe? Who knows? But from the looks of the sneak peek, things look like they'll be coming to a head.
  15. senseiseth


    You love Vikings too! That show is awesome. Better than some of the others things I've seen recently.