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Recent content by sleepwriter

  1. S

    Reading Suggestions Anyone?

    I was thinking of reading less for character development and more for writing mechanics. For example how do different authors work point of view when dealing with two protagonists? I know what options I have for point of view, but it's nice to see examples of what works. That sort of thing. And...
  2. S

    Reading Suggestions Anyone?

    I'm looking for books that have one female and one male protagonist... I'm working on a story like this and I think it'd help my writing if I had some examples of how others have done it. I don't mind if romance is part of it but I'd rather it not be the main focus since I'm not writing a...
  3. S

    Thinking in pictures and writing

    I tend to think the same way, in that I see pictures in my mind that I want to put into words (no mental movie skills unfortunately), and I've always run into the same problems you have. You have a really awesome landscape or scene but nothing to go with it. That's exactly why I've never...
  4. S

    Snowflake outlining?

    I found out about the snowflake method by chance on a Google search and decided to give it a try since it seemed like a good way to think out the details of my story without feeling overwhelmed. I've started, and its been helpful so far, but I'm starting to feel like some of the steps are...
  5. S

    Finally saying hello

    Hahaha, I wish I could sleep-write! No, I chose that name because the only time I get to write is when my toddler is sleeping ;)
  6. S

    Finally saying hello

    I actually signed up a couple weeks ago, but I skipped the introductions and jumped straight to getting help with some problems I was having with me story. I have to say the feedback was extremely useful :) So about me... I'm a stay at home mom, and I'm getting back into hobby writing after a...
  7. S

    What's In A Name?

    Kind of a basic question, but how do you guys come up with your names? I feel like I used to make up names a lot, but these days my mind goes blank every time I try to come up with one. I've imagined up these fantastic places and races, and I've got nothing to call them! Right now I'm scraping...
  8. S

    Realistic maps

    I got the same idea in my head for awhile, and it taught me some things I hadn't realized. First, digital cartography is harder than it looks. Second, even with tutorials, it takes time to learn. Third, my schedule doesn't allow for that time. I do hope to learn someday but for now it's just not...
  9. S

    More than I can chew

    Thanks everyone! You've all given me something useful to work with. I think in the short term I'm going to write some shorter stories in this world of mine. That'll get some good experience under my belt and get me my world/ character fix, if nothing else. From there, who knows? Grand Epic...
  10. S

    More than I can chew

    Can anyone offer some advice for this problem? I'm the kind of hobby writer that's generally gifted with great flashes of scenes and ideas for novels, but that never actually finishes anything. A few months ago I was going through some old things and found a few pieces I had started way back...