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Recent content by The_Everlasting

  1. T

    Opinions needed regarding settings/worlds

    Amazing suggestions! I'd like to continue with this. This place is considered safe only because it's like the "capitol"- they know it's the most powerful realm and the leader of that realm feels a need to protect the weak and fight the "bad", though at this point there's is so much "bad" she...
  2. T

    Opinions needed regarding settings/worlds

    I have a story that is centralized in one realm. There's a war raging between demons in this world and as they all struggle for supreme they simultaneously destroy everything around them. The one realm that's left is the most powerful and one of the very few left intact. At it's center in a...
  3. T

    The main character is Me!

    I'm my main character in story as well. I don't look at it as a bad thing at all. If it's a fantasy novel you have no limits. You could be anything so why not be? While my character does possess some "other worldly" qualities, she is still very much me. I find it liberating, and an excellent way...
  4. T

    Main Character Dies in the End: OK?

    I think as long as the main character's death is preceded by a damn good story it's alright. There's been several books and movies I've read that the main character dies in the end- hell, there's even been books and movies I've seen where I've said "that would have been better if he/she would...
  5. T

    Tried of vampires being goody two-shoes?

    Thank you I really appreciate that. Now if I could only get myself together to get the damn thing finished!
  6. T

    Tried of vampires being goody two-shoes?

    I can't thank the few authors that have ruined the vampire reputation forever. It's reasons like this that make me worry about what I'm writing only because yes...there are vampires in it. There are also demons and virtually every dark creature that can be imagined- and they're not [I]nice[I]...
  7. T

    Writing too Fast? Anyone else having this issue?

    Thanks so much this was very helpful!! I'm sorry I missed it on the threads
  8. T

    Writing too Fast? Anyone else having this issue?

    I appreciate everyone's comments so much. I wasn't looking at the aspect of writing and then going back to add into the story more. I feel more confident in what I'm doing now, and knowing that it's normal to rewrite, add in , or eve start over in my writing makes me feel much better. Thanks...
  9. T

    Writing too Fast? Anyone else having this issue?

    I genuinely feel like my greatest flaw is that I'm too close to my story. I'm writing it as if I've lived it. I am or know my characters inside and out. Their looks, their voices, their movements, even how they smell. So in a sense I'm writing this story like a movie memory that I've seen. I...
  10. T

    Writing too Fast? Anyone else having this issue?

    I'm worried that I'm writing too fast, not speed wise but in the terms of progression. I have my plot and all pretty much ironed out so in bulk I pretty much know whats going to happen. My issue is that I often find myself having to stop and take a deep breath and step away a moment because I...
  11. T

    Do You Know Your Characters?

    I guess what I'm really asking is " Do you model your characters after people you know?" How do you come up with your character's mannerisms and signature personality traits? I have modeled all of my charcters after people I know. They, of corse, don't know I've done that but I'm wondering what...
  12. T

    Issues with characterization

    Perhaps soming significant could happen on their travel where the Fae saves Vincent's life. He could tollerate him becauee he would be debted to him for his life- still leaving plenty of room to still hate his kind and to slowly grow more comfortable with the Fae.
  13. T

    Transportation Between Realms - thoughts?

    I can understand that as well- My problem is with a full on description of the actualy teleportation or traveling bewteen realms I don't know how to describe it really. A flash of light? color? sound? Maybe a more fluid easy transition? I'd love some opinions on this as well.
  14. T

    Transportation Between Realms - thoughts?

    I'm currently working on a novel that has to do with different realms; mainly the human realm and the demon realm. I'm having trouble coming up with a believeable scenario as to how the transportation between realms occours. Here's the ideas I've had so far: A: the main character (a female...