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Recent content by Tom

  1. Tom

    Random thoughts

    The universe hates the Buffalo Bills. Proof: after losing their lead in the 3rd quarter but then kicking a miracle field goal to tie with the Texans in the last 20 seconds of the game, they choked within the first 5 minutes of overtime and lost. C'mon guys.
  2. Tom

    What color is this?

    That's the truth
  3. Tom

    What color is this?

    I'd say taupe as well. If I were to relate the color to something I'd describe it as looking like new deerskin.
  4. Tom

    Random thoughts

    Sounds like something someone who linked to a rickroll would say.....
  5. Tom

    Keeping Your Worldbuilding Organized

    I have to organize, or I'd never be able to find anything. (And leaving stuff unorganized stresses me out!) To help me cope with my ADHD, I've created systems of organization for everything I own/use, including digital stuff such as my writing and graphic design schoolwork. The file organization...
  6. Tom

    NaNoWriMo 2019 Word Counts

    I hate to say it, but I think NaNo is a bust for me this year. I've been too busy with school stuff to really give my project the attention it deserves. I'll keep chipping away at it this month whenever I find the time, but I know there's no way I'm getting to 50K by the 30th.
  7. Tom

    How fast do you write?

    I write excruciatingly slowly, most of the time. It's hard for me to stay focused, so I write one sentence and get distracted, then come back and write another sentence, get distracted again, ad nauseum. Most days I clock in at about 500 words (and even that is a hopeful estimate). I've learned...
  8. Tom

    Anyone joining this year?

    4 days in and it completely slipped my mind to create a project for this year. Oops. Doing that now!
  9. Tom

    Anyone joining this year?

    I've made my decision. My username over at NaNo is tenebristpunk, I think. This should be fun! I've been slacking off lately and NaNo will be a chance to get my writing habits back into shape.
  10. Tom

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween, all! Unfortunately I did not go out tonight, as it's cold and rainy here, with a high wind warning to boot. Hopefully next year will be more fun!
  11. Tom

    Anyone joining this year?

    I might participate this year. Past experience has taught me that I tend to get burnt out by NaNoWriMo, but I'm too stubborn to give up on it. Last year my own personal goal was just to write as much of my project as possible. Even though I got nowhere near 50k, I was happy with what I...
  12. Tom

    Pushing pixels around on a screen

    Pushing pixels around on a screen
  13. Tom

    Which Is More Effective In Horror (Suspense v. Surprise)?

    The Haunting of Hill House is really similar. A lot of sitting around and talking, but it leaves you with this sense of creeping terror. Read it in one sitting (in the dark, stupid me) and it thoroughly freaked me out. Shirley Jackson is a master of suspense.
  14. Tom

    How much Hard Drive space do you use on your Laptop?

    I upgraded from a laptop with an HDD to a much newer one with an SSD earlier this year and so far I'm amazed. My HDD had more storage space, but it was so slow and crash-prone it was basically unusable. The SDD laptop is blazingly fast. And I make up for any lost storage with a 1TB external...
  15. Tom

    Which Is More Effective In Horror (Suspense v. Surprise)?

    I'm definitely more of a fan of suspense than surprise. It leaves it up to the reader/viewer's own mind to do most of the heavy lifting, which makes for a much more fraught experience. You're going to be a lot more tense reading something if the author keeps it just out of sight, hinting at the...