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Recent content by Tyrant

  1. Tyrant

    The will of the Gods

    @Theokinsj the role of the player is the best part ill get to it in a minute. and what i need help on is the section of time where the story starts and where the gameplay begins. Not long after the Gods are rebuked by the Illu'farae they reform the original Godlan'drium, the councel of the 20...
  2. Tyrant

    Starting Big and Working Down?

    I like that idea. Most stories put the infiltration part at the beginning and the huge battle at the end, so you know once they break out the siege towers it almost over. I think your approach will throw people for a loop.
  3. Tyrant

    Dueling to resolve international conflicts

    the major problem is only musle head idiots would be in charge. Because they would be the only ones willing to fight to the death. And intellegent person who is likely to be in charge or rule would never risk any important outcome on their own prowess.
  4. Tyrant

    Novella idea: thoughts?

    I mostly expect novellas to be a part of a larger story. Also they should branch into some unexplained portion of a story that the main novel left blank. I def dont like a cut and dry short story that I will never hear from again.
  5. Tyrant

    How do you make an epic conflict personal?

    one thing i like to do is to make sure the story is not always black and white. Hard choices in which the reader has to decide if they were in the same position, would they agree or disagree? Maybe choosing between one inocent life or several others. to leave someone in need to save yourself, or...
  6. Tyrant

    Book suggestions please

    One little known series I suggests to everyone is The Prince of Nothing by Scott Bakker. Ive read the complete song of ice and fire, well so far any way but a good one from the creater of mystborne is The Way of Kings, great read although there is only one book out. Another epic read during my...
  7. Tyrant

    The will of the Gods

    This has been an ongoing project of mine and I am reaching out to like minded person wanting do do something in their spare time. Forgive if the presentation is a bit 'crude'. In the universe of Ascension(which by the way is the name of the game) a race of highly intellergent insect-like...