Finally I have made an English version of the map of book One, let me know if you like it or does it seem to be too bland?
Made by Inkarnate pro commercial version
I saw a post by sgbii with their map which has a lot of interesting feedback, so I thought I'd throw mine in here too, to see what you all think.
I made the map with INKARNATE
Hello I'm really curious on people's thoughts on World Building and the scaling of it, I started making a map on Inkarnate and I'm quite proud of it but I've been told it's either too small or too big for a dramatic fantasy novel... I'm obviously not done with creating the landscape but I'm...
Hi all, I was just wondering how many of you kick off the world-building process by drawing a map (if your book has one, that is). I'm almost finished with having my first novel proofread, and before I had written a single sentence (back in 2017!), I created a world map. I find that the rest of...
Worldbuilding 101
I will not say I know everything about worldbuilding, but I do have a good knowledge of how to so light worldbuilding, like that of Harry Potter, and Hard worldbuilding, like that of The Lord of The Rings. (Please note that in this I will be using Medieval Fantasy as my base...
Worldbuilding Magazine presents our penultimate issue of 2018: the Cartography and Navigation issue!We’ve packed this one full of over 70 pages of content, making it our biggest issue ever! You can expect to find…
2 artist features.
3 interviews, featuring Greg & Dan Cartography.
6 articles on...
A map of the known world as taught by Dominion Schools. The world has no name other then world, as the Dominion wishes to standardize everything. Speaking with someone not from the dominion you'll receive a variety of colorful answers.
Though there is more to this world these three continents are where the action takes place. Well, the action just takes place in a little corner on one of them for now, but hey I have fun doing maps.
Hand-drawn and created in Photoshop, Lai'enalai is my biggest and most in-depth Fantasy setting. It is where my next novel is set. There are no distance indicators in this image, but that's only because this is purely for aesthetics!
The Zif and Southern Aren Seas and the surrounding area at the end of the Bronze Age and beginning of the Iron Age of the world of Yma, the setting for the novel "Escape from Shadow", book 1 of the series "Undying."