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New Member
If your first impulse upon seeing that title was to say 'General Kenobi!' then we are going to get along great.

I'm Maggietron, she/her pronouns. You can call me Maggie or Mags. I like to make things up and write them down. I've had some success with poetry and I have several years of nonfiction writing experience, but I've never gotten my fiction published before and I would like to. I like to experiment and write in lots of genres, but fantasy seems to be what I'm best at and (more importantly) what I most enjoy writing.

I like to read, write, play games (tabletop or otherwise), draw, paint, and make little dioramas or miniature scenes. I'm a huge nerd and am into all sorts of fandoms. I look forward to getting acquainted with this community. I've already learned a lot and I'm excited to learn more!