Why Harry Potter Rocked

This article is by Brian Wood. The Harry Potter era is over. The final movie has entered theaters and I, for one, am more than a little bit sad. I figured there was no better time to talk about the genius of JK Rowling and the Harry Potter series. I have never read a series … Read more

How Lost Kept Me Hooked

I was, and still am, a professed Lost devotee. Although I was less than thrilled with the series finale, the show remains one of my favorites. At the end of each episode I experienced a strong, almost compulsive drive to know what happened next. No show made me hunger more for answers. And when an … Read more

Why the Star Wars Prequels Failed

Like most children of the 1980s, I grew up surrounded by Star Wars. Star Wars lunch pales were the rage at school. Star Wars toys, books and magazines littered my room. And the Darth Vader outfit was the Holy Grail of Halloween costumes. Yet the most admired of all things Star Wars were the movies … Read more

The Lost Finale: What Went Wrong?

On May 23, 2010 one of my favorite television shows ended its six year run.  For me, the airing of Lost’s finale was something akin to a religious experience.  I had spent countless hours debating theories with friends and coworkers.  I was emotionally invested in the characters.  So when the finale began, I was filled … Read more