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Recent content by 1MerryWriter

  1. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    I feel like this is it. A lack of patience. There is also probably a bit of a learning curve that an aspiring writer imagines that they are going to have to do. Then they come up on things like Rothfuss' style of paragraph construction and flow or how Tolkien used different tones and language...
  2. 1MerryWriter

    Hello from 1MerryWriter

    Yes, it seems to have opened up more. I will look around and hopefully practice writing shorter paragraphs and responses :LOL:
  3. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    Just in case I gave the wrong impression, I am definitely not eager to see AI replace creative work. I also have a naive belief that the value of real creative work cannot be pushed out by any AI. For the kind of work I used to do a few years ago, AI is basically a termination letter. I am...
  4. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    Someone who was written something with parts taken from AI output should disclose it. Many do not agree with that statement and even more do not care. For me, it is a loss of ability, knowledge and sometimes the exhilaration of that experience of finishing something all on my own that makes me...
  5. 1MerryWriter

    Hello from 1MerryWriter

    Hello there, Even if I can't see you, it is a pleasure to meet you. I like to call myself 1MerryWriter. I think of it is an apt self-description. I found this forum through one my latest topics of research - AI (and specifically ChatGPT). If you have an interest in such topics, some of my...
  6. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    (3/3) Agreed. Non-fiction is different from simply listing research into cohesive paragraphs and listing references. That is the trouble, it is mostly the voice of a writer. There are people prompting AI to edit a piece of article to read like it was written by Neil Strauss. The output is far...
  7. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    (2/3) To be clear, I am not against a writer using AI in any way they see fit. I do not use it when I write creatively but I have been testing it more and more to receive critique and to bounce ideas off of. For someone with my background it is a "godsend" (or is this "humansend"?). Before I...
  8. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    Pardon the very long response. It is a lot of thought and it is in response to quite a few comments. I do go off on tangents but I have tried to edit it. (This is part 1/3) - Apparently I posted too much so the third one is awaiting moderator approval. I believe we agree on this. I was saying...
  9. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    I am already a writer. Just not that good 😂
  10. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    For fiction writing, it won't take ten years, considering the pace at which people are using the GPTs and feeding it information. The OpenAI version at least states that they don't use the data that people present in chat for training. Bard and Co-Pilot do use the data given by people when using...
  11. 1MerryWriter

    ChatGPT For World Building?

    There is something interesting that I am noticing when I try to throw around ideas with CGPT. The paid version (CGPT4 - currently) does far better than the free version. The 'Creative Writing Coach' and some other CGPTs that are custom made to create worlds or characters, do much better with the...