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Recent content by Ark1117

  1. A

    Favourite MMORPGs :)

    For a while I was addicted to Conquer Online, until it became blatantly apparent that the gameplay was shallow and the developer's aims were purely financial gain. Which is, I guess, the goal of a lot developers, but at least they make their games fun. I had the pleasure of game testing Star...
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    Garth Nix - The Old Kingdom Series

    One of the aspects I love best about this forum is being able to come across all these different writers and novels that I've never heard of. After I read through these posts I decided to go buy some copies of the first two books. Haven't read them yet but I look forward to doing so.
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    Bullying in fantasy stories

    I agree with what a lot of the others have said; every time I start to read a story and pick up on the bully relationship between two characters I roll my eyes. I'm tired of seeing it, and I know that I will always avoid it. Another similar situation that has been done to death, but can be a...
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    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

    yeah i know what you mean it was anti-climatic and I really don't see why this ending was changed from the book's ending, which was a lot more climatic. At least in the book, Voldermort and Harry are surrounded by the entire school and teachers and they actually see him defeating Voldermort...
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    Fantasy Must Read List

    "The Farseer Trilogy" by Robin Hobb. Definitely powerful prose and an overall story that is very creative and original.
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    What sets your writing apart?

    Creativity on a whole, i think, and pressing in large amounts of back-story throughout the entire story without it clunking any paragraphs. I've been told I'm pretty good at that, but then just genre-wise, I think my ability to combine different aspects of horror and fantasy to make something...
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    Best Novels No One Has Heard Of

    I forgot all about Diana Wynne Jones, it's a shame that she passed away. The Wizard Howl is one of my all time favorite characters for his cockiness. "Spin" by Robert Charles Wilson is a great book, it won the Hugo award, but it seems not many people have really read it. Also, I'm sure people...
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    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

    I enjoyed the movie too, though I had a hard time being completely embraced by it because I kept referring to every scene of the movie to the same scene of the book. They kept some of the aspects of the book alive but in other areas it was disappointing.
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    Best Cure for Writerblockitis?

    The method that works best for me is to completely forget about whatever I'm working on and write gibberish off to the side that somehow quickly spirals down into XXX territory, or taking the piece I'm working on and forcefully writing it in XXX territory. Forcefully.
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    Character names used by famous authors

    If it's obvious like the others have said, like Harry, it's to be avoided, but then also from a characterization pov the name should hold significant meaning whether that be invented by the writer or searched through the etymology websites
  11. A

    Who are your influences?

    Richard Matheson is probably at the top of mine for his approach to horror, but then also Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, and Jim Butcher to a certain extent. Lastly, and I don't know if this should really count as I've only read one book by him, but Robert Charles Wilson