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Recent content by CAL9000

  1. CAL9000

    World View, Reality and an Air of Mystery

    This is something I realized not to long ago and I strive to not only include it in my characters, but also in how I build my world(s). As "the creator" I need to know how and why stuff works in my world, but my characters don't, and neither does my reader unless I deem it important for the...
  2. CAL9000

    King Killer Chrionicles on TV?

    I'm very worried that Kingkiller will be similar to Legend of the Seeker. I don't really see it as a doable TV show. That is UNLESS it is going to focus on Kvothe's adventures that he isn't telling Chronicler in the books. Really, I think that's the only way it could even remotely work. Hope...
  3. CAL9000

    Elder Scrolls Online

    Daggerfall > Ebonheart > Aldmeri BUT Khajiit > Orcs > Everyone Else
  4. CAL9000

    Where do people build cities?

    I wouldn't exactly call Helm's Deep a city. But the idea is spot on. Not all cities need to be on a major thoroughfare or river. They still need a water supply, but any other factors simply make them more or less likely to be somewhere and change the population. The big thing that someone else...
  5. CAL9000

    The grisly truth

    Since he's not human, you can throw as many notions about being "heartless" out the window as you like. Depending on the details of your fey, you could have him live until his magic (if he has any) runs out, or maybe the Fey don't even have hearts like humans and the thing he ripped out was...
  6. CAL9000

    [Unique Term of Greeting]!

    Hello everyone. Another aspiring author here who is passionate about worldbuilding (sometimes to the detriment of actually writing). I'm a teacher in a brand new type of High School in the US that I won't go into detail on (if you're super curious, just PM me); really cutting edge stuff. Also...