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Recent content by CorvusCorax

  1. CorvusCorax

    Modern name for Roman religion

    You have a good point.. I agree it's not exactly necessary to distinguish it from Catholicism but, as I said in my original post, there's just something that doesn't feel quite right about it. I can't explain it. Adding something in front of it actually helps a bit. I like the sound and look...
  2. CorvusCorax

    Modern name for Roman religion

    Firstly, thank you to everyone for the answers and suggestions. Though it seems I didn't explain quite as well as I thought I did. I'm aware that the Romans, like many cultures throughout history, had no real name of their own for their religion. I'm not quite looking for the Romans' name for...
  3. CorvusCorax

    Modern name for Roman religion

    The fantasy series I've been working on for a long time now is set on an alternate Earth. Some of the many many differences between this world and ours include there being no Christianity (at least not as we know it) and the Roman Empire having had a much greater cultural influence on...
  4. CorvusCorax

    Starting with a dream

    Well that's exactly what I've tried to do. I've used things like that, along with his noting of details that mark this particular dream as very unusual, to make it as clear as possible that there's something more than a simple dream going on here. As for the gripping conflict, plenty of that...
  5. CorvusCorax

    Starting with a dream

    Okay. I know starting a story with a dream is generally a terrible idea. You get immediately hooked by all this interesting stuff going on, then you find out none of it actually happened. It's a big let down. But what if it did actually happen? I thought I had a decent start to my story...
  6. CorvusCorax

    Your Ideal Character

    I'd probably have to go with my main character, Tristan. He started out as a mixture of myself and the person I wish I could be. He's evolved since then but he still has many of the traits I value in myself and in others. Plus he's an elf.
  7. CorvusCorax

    [insert overly enthusiastic greeting here]

    I could never quite get into the band, unfortunately. I don't dislike them, they just never really stuck with me. Maybe I'll give it another go soon. Ah ravens and their symbolism crop up quite a lot in mine too. There's a lot of Norse/Nordic influence. And thank you. I've already lost count of...
  8. CorvusCorax

    [insert overly enthusiastic greeting here]

    I do know of the band, but in this case it's actually the bird. Ravens are my favourite animal. They symbolise intelligence and, thanks to Edgar Allan Poe, madness. Plus there's the gothic and Norse mythological connections. No animal fits me better.
  9. CorvusCorax

    How to use these characters

    I think you're right about the ending. Maybe he could become an anti-hero? Does he not care that the world is going to end, or does he simply think there's nothing that can be done to stop it now that the savior is dead? If it's the former then you'd need to give him a reason to care. Perhaps...
  10. CorvusCorax

    Your Top 10 Favorite Shows Of All Time?

    My "all time" favourites tend to change quite a lot, but I will do my best. I won't even attempt any kind of order. Castle Supernatural Buffy the Vampire Slayer Da Vinci's Demons Scrubs Battlestar Galactica House How I Met Your Mother Firefly Vikings It was really hard not to include...
  11. CorvusCorax

    Changing my title style

    I think both versions look equally good, but personally I would go with the gold. While both colours work, the gold makes the title really stand out without it clashing. Definitely more eye-catching.
  12. CorvusCorax

    What do you listen to?

    To very loosely define my music tastes; I like rock, metal, and other "alternative" genres of music. To get more specific; I like goth, post-punk, gothic rock/gothic metal, grunge, and similar genres the most. Basically I like my music heavy and/or dark yet melodic and/or poetic. If that makes...
  13. CorvusCorax

    [insert overly enthusiastic greeting here]

    Hi. My name is Jake, or you can just call me CorvusCorax. Either works. I've been working on a fantasy story and the universe it's set in for a few years now. Well technically around a decade, but it started to take on its current form a few years back. I've come across a lot of...