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Recent content by Dawn Goodwyn

  1. D

    Distraction Free Writing; How can I get it?

    If you have Chrome, StayFocusd is a great extension that will give you a few minutes on your chosen sites before blocking them for a pre-set amount of time. It's great for when you need certain sites, because you can choose to block the real time wasters (for me, that's Reddit and Pinterest)...
  2. D

    Is there anyone here who didn't go to college whose life turned out okay?

    I did for two years, studying American literature. For me, the experiences I had and the things I learned (including clear writing and critical reading skills) more valuable than a degree. Why? I haven't needed a degree to live the life I want. I left the US at the age of 22 and have traveled...
  3. D

    Allow me to introduce...myself!

    Hi! I'm Amber, currently building worlds in my head and transferring bits of them to paper. I take a lot of inspiration from the things I read, as well as my travels (currently living on my third continent) and feel quite fortunate to have found this community of like-minded individuals...