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Recent content by Epulon447

  1. Epulon447

    What can dragons eat?

    Just wanted to thank you all for replying so far! A lot of it has helped and I have learned a few things along the way. If I find anything else, I'll be sure to post it along here. Hopefully sooner than later.
  2. Epulon447

    What can dragons eat?

    Thank you so much for posting this. This is exactly what I was looking for! It would make sense for something as big or small for a dragon to be an opportunistic omnivore favoring meat. If I may add to your vast library of knowledge; a lot of paleontologists agree that dinosaurs were either...
  3. Epulon447

    FREE cover art/illustrations for your work

    Sorry it's been a moment. Work has been crazy. How would you like to do sandstone, water, and trees?
  4. Epulon447

    What can dragons eat?

    So, I've been thinking on this for awhile. Dragons. What can't they eat? I've seen ideas from pizza to exotic delicacies straight to just raw meat. So in essence, they eat just like us. Or do they? The idea came from looking up facts on dog diets and says you can't give them chocolate and other...
  5. Epulon447

    FREE cover art/illustrations for your work

    Nice! So what would you like to do? I have architecture that I need experimenting with from my books. I have chars that you can play around with, from said same books. I also have some dreamscapes put out in art form. I have a lot. You are the miastro here, let me provide the canvas. ;)
  6. Epulon447

    FREE cover art/illustrations for your work

    Hey Dark Squiggle! If you are looking for some practice, I got some projects you can do if you feel like it.
  7. Epulon447

    Written Clichés. — Do you know some?

    Or how about how just about every spooky campfire story goes. Or the Scooby Doo "I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddlin' kids!" trope. Plots can also fall into the same category of cliches that descriptions do. And you can tell just how good the storyteller/author is when...
  8. Epulon447


    I plan to keep it the way it is. I'll be commissioning more in the future, as well I have a small pile already of stuff I'd like to share, just no clue how to attach pic files to this forum.
  9. Epulon447


    Make it myself?.... Yes, and no. I wish I had that much artistic talent, hahaha! I befriended an artist that lives in my state. What I do is I commission him and we end up having a session that can last anywhere from one to two hours of me showing what I want and I just guide him. He get's about...
  10. Epulon447


    Salutations! Had a friend link this forum on Facebook, and decided to check out the neighborhood in the hopes of finding another tool in my quest of my book writing. And also to be able to nerd out with fellow fantasy and sci-fi geeks like myself. So, a little more about me. Antiques, 1980's...