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Recent content by Erudite

  1. Erudite

    Wrapping my head around Noble Ranks

    The Romans had _________ that ruled a "country" under the Emperor. Can't remember the word.
  2. Erudite

    Big Things, Small Beginnings

    In terms of sales, marketing is more important than content. Take the Cards Against Humanity sales that happen each year.
  3. Erudite

    Write what you know

    Familiarity breeds quality, I suppose, is my argument.
  4. Erudite

    The flashback as the Story Proper - Suspension of Disbelief

    In the end, 1/7 isn't bad for audience disengagement. I'd take it as a win and move on.
  5. Erudite

    Write what you know

    I just mean temperaments, personalities, etc. My little brother and I have quite a complex going on, so it's easy to write a complex between my mc and the younger brother.
  6. Erudite

    Write what you know

    Do you write what you know? My MC is based around my little brother and I, and our interactions.
  7. Erudite

    Stemming first-draft burnout

    Morning writing challenges - write for 30-60 minutes and just follow your train of thought without guiding it. Gets my creativity flowing and allows me to bypass the whole "Boredom in writing" from repeatedly approaching the same topic.
  8. Erudite

    minor characters names

    I read into the backgrounds of the culture, tie it to a culture in our world, and choose names from there. A lot of my Draconian names are Slavic in nature.
  9. Erudite

    Tropes that are Useful to Know or Discuss

    As an economics major, I look at tropes to be something with which we analyze past occurrences. I think one could craft works out of a trope (or series of tropes), but I think it best to revisit and learn from your writing that which isn't found without macro level analysis. A God Am I - the...
  10. Erudite

    Commonfolk of the Anarchy

    Great position to take. I'd love to see how this develops, hopefully bits and pieces keep coming!
  11. Erudite

    Creating a fantasy language

    Choose a language and model around that. I'm pretty sure Tolkien's language is loosely based around the Icelandic language. I use a lot of Danish in my works, but I'm working with Dwarves so it kind of just... sounds right.
  12. Erudite

    The Kosmos Topic

    How closely are you trying to tie this to the actual Greek mythology? Galaya, Gaia, Hallienes, Hellenics...
  13. Erudite

    Commonfolk of the Anarchy

    Australia is like... 70% desert? The Americas were undiscovered forests and terrifying animals. Australia was filled with criminals, and the aboriginal population remained. The Americas was colonized with criminals, slaves, adventurers, those looking for a fresh start, etc. I don't...
  14. Erudite

    Your Ideal Character

    By ideal, I mean "Who would you be, were you a fictional character?" Doesn't have to be a character you haven't written, perhaps a character from your own works. OR in contrast, which character do you feel you are? One's harder to answer, than the other. My ideal - probably Sherlock...
  15. Erudite

    Culture Based on Destruction

    Sorry, epic fantasy authors - we write, lots. :P